Hogsmeade Date

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Tighter security was everywhere in the castle that morning. Professor Flitwick had been sighted teaching the front doors to recognise a picture of Sirius Black, and Filch was barging up and down corridors, pushing innocent students out of the way, all the while trying to fill up any cracks or mouse holes in the walls.

To all the Gryffindors' relief, Sir Cadogan had been sacked from his guard duty, and had been taken back up to the seventh floor, where he used to reside. The Fat Lady was back, restored by a portrait expert, and looked incredibly nervous at all times, even though she had ordered her portrait to be guarded by a bunch of large security trolls. They would talk in grunts and point out how small the students were compared to themselves. Little Dennis Creevey was approximately the same size as one of the trolls' clubs.

Y/N and Harry couldn't help but notice that the one eyed witch's passage way remained unguarded.

"D'you reckon we should tell someone?" Y/N asked Harry.

"As Ron told us before, he can't be coming through Honeydukes. We would hear if there was a break in." Harry answered.

Y/N and Ron had become instant celebrities after Sirius Black had broke in, Y/N more of a celebrity. Unlike Ron, Y/N hated the attention, being cornered by gossiping girls who were frantically bouncing on the balls of their feet as they offered their pieces of parchment for Y/N to sign. Romilda Vane had took an interest in Y/N, as his unfortunate luck would have it, and could be seen batting her eyelashes and winking at Y/N whenever she saw him in the corridors between classes. Y/N had to stop Hermione from charming Romilda multiple times, as she was trying to make Romilda's nose transform into a pig's.

Ron would go into story mode whenever someone would ask him what happened that night, but every time he told the story, it grew further and further away from the actual events.

"... I was asleep, and I heard this ripping noise, and I thought it was in my dream, you know? But then there was this draught... I woke up and one side of the hangings on my bed had been pulled down... I rolled over... and I saw him standing over me... like a skeleton, with loads of filthy hair... holding this great, long knife, must've been twelve inches... and he looked at me, and I looked at him, and then I yelled, and he scarpered. That's when Y/N leapt out of his bed and took off after him... turned up in the Hospital Wing the next day with a stab wound in his shoulder..."

"Does he honestly have to keep telling that story?" Hermione complained.

"Let him have it, Babe. Its the first time he's felt special in a while, and it's taking his mind off of the fight you two were having." Y/N said.

"Ugh, don't remind me. I still think Crookshanks is innocent... can we just get out of here? Maybe Hagrid's or something?"

"Sure, I'll bring Twig. Maybe we could stock up on wood lice and do some more work for Buckbeak's case."

"You read my mind..." Hermione said, placing her head on Y/N's shoulder.

The couple walked out of the Gryffindor common room, and across the grounds to Hagrid's hut. Y/N knocked on the door and it was soon opened by the giant himself. He urged them inside, looking relieved for some reason. Even though there were enough chairs for them all, Y/N and Hermione still shared one of the seats. Twig made himself comfortable on the arm of the chair.

"He's lookin' happy, ain't he?" Hagrid asked, gesturing to the Bowtruckle.

"Well, I think-" Y/N started.

"Look, I heard abou' the break in, las' night."

"Did you hear what happened... after he got in?"

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