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Gulf was just done teaching sign language to the kids when he realised his phone beeped.He got a message from a unknown number.
"This is Mew.Give me your address, I will pick you up at 3pm for the concert."
Gulf was little startled and his mind was occupied by lots of question.
Wait! where do you get my number? And why should I go with you and even if I agree to go I don't have concert ticket. Texted Gulf.
"Easy bambi eyes! Easy.I got your number from saint. And before you gave me the ticket I had asked someone to get me ticket and luckily I got it.So I'll pick you up at 3.Don't be late bambi eyes"
Gulf hates this nick name Mew has given him and got a little frustrated.before he could text him back.
"I got your address from saint. See you at 3.bye bambi eyes"
This made Gulf more frustrated.
I am not going.And I am not bambi eyes.
Gulf waited for while for his reply but he got nothing.
Gulf went to his early. He went straight to his bedroom.He stared at his clock it was 2.
I still have 1 hour to get ready. Gulf thought in his mind.
He went to his closet and start searching for the perfect outfit. He first wore a white shirt and blue Jean's and stood in front of mirror.
I think I can do better. Gulf said in his mind.He changes five outfit and always find the excuse to reject them. He took a glance at his watch it 10 minutes to 3am.He decide to wear a white t-shirt with blue Jean's and black jacket on top.
He heard the door bell.He checked last time at the mirror and took a deep inhale to open the door to look at Mew who was dressed in black Jean's, black shirt with black jacket ,cap on his head, mask on his mouth. He was dressed as i if they were going on a rescue mission.
Seeing Gulf look at him from top to bottom.
"I can't let anyone see me. Remember I am the bad guy.Duhhh!"
Gulf rolled his eyes and locked his home and walked towards the car.
Mew borrowed Bright's car for today because he knew Bright wouldn't ask him any question unlike
Max who would showered him with questions.
Mew took the driver seat and gulf took the passenger seat.Mew started the the GPS and started driving.
"We would reach in half an hour.By the way you said you were coming but now you seem more than ready" said Mew with a teasing tone.
Gulf rolled his eyes.
"Maybe you are falling for me bambi eyes"
Gulf's ear turns red.He opened the window and let the fresh air to come in
Mew could only chuckle.
They arrived at Thunder Dome where concert was to held.They both exit the car.Mew put back his mask and his cap.
Gulf was excited as it was it's first concert.A little smile appear on his face.Suddenly Mew grabbed his hand and drag him.
"Come bambi eyes,we need to take the picture at photowall before the concert start."
Gulf and Mew was waiting in the queue. Gulf was standing behind Mew in the line and patiently waiting whereas Mew was recklessly moving in his position. Seeing Mew like this Gulf really want to ask him about his age but at the same time find it cute.
Suddenly Gulf found an unfamiliar touch on his ass from behind.Gulf turned back immediately not sending the touch anymore.It was a strong built Man in his early 20's.
"Sorry Man, I didn't realise.It's so crowded here" said the man.
Gulf ignored it because it was really crowded there.After some time, gulf felt  a push from behind.Gulf turned back
"Sorry again, it's too crowded "said man while hiding his laugh.
Before Gulf can say anything.Mew pushed the guy making him land on the ground.
"It's too crowded here. Sorry man".said Mew with smirk.Then he stand behind Gulf waiting for their chance to take the photo while putting his hand on Gulf's shoulder making gulf's ear turns red.
Their chance finally came and they took   the picture in which Gulf was blushing as Mew wrapped his arm around him.
Soon the gate were opened.Security checked their ticket and let them in.            
"NaJeongMo SaJimi DachaeTzu
Hamkkeyeoseo Haengbokhae
ONCE! TWICE!Jarhaja" screamed Mew along with thousands of people in unison.
Seeing Mew like this Gulf felt happy. For the entire world Mew can be the bad guy but for him Mew was someone that make his heart at ease.Gulf thoughts was interrupted by a Mew's strong arm around him. Gulf looked at Mewwith surprise eyes.Seeing Gulf's reaction Mew said, "I am possessive about you". Gulf's heart start beating fast and shrugged Mew's arm.Mew chuckled and once again screaming the fan chants.
Gulf was enjoying everything from Mew having a full on competition with another guy on who knows full dance routine of the song to Mew crying like baby when Twice sang their song Be as one.But the thing he loved the most is being beside him.
After the concert, they walked towards the car but suddenly stopped and held Gulf's hand tightly. Gulf was taken back by Mew's action.the grip of Mew's hand was getting tighter making Gulf to quiver in pain.Hearing that, Mew immediately let go his hand and walked towards the car.
In the car.Gulf was upset and was looking outside the car absentmindedly.
Seeing Gulf like that,he felt guilty.
"I saw my ex in parking lot."said Mew
Gulf looked at him.
"We dated for 2 years.But she cheated on me."Gulf started looking here and there trying to figure what to do to comfort him.
"I am okay bambi eyes." Said Mew with a weak smile.
"She told the entire school that I was the one who cheated and everyone believed it and I became the bad guy.I don't pretend to be a bad guy.I was made one and now this is my reality." Said Mew.
Gulf could sense anger in his voice.He put his hand on Mew's hand. Mew gave him his brightest smile to assure him that he is okay.Gulf was about to withdraw his hand but Mew held his hand and intertwined their fingers.Gulf blushed and smiled.
Soon they reach Gulf's house.Both exit the car.
"I had so much fun tonight. Thank you."said Mew.
Gulf smile and turn around to walk towards his house but stopped when Mew called his name. Gulf turned around to see Mew who has tears in his eyes.
"Why it's so easy to talk to you and why heart feel at ease with?" Said Mew while controlling his sobbing.
Gulf ran towards Mew and hug him.Mew wrapped his arms around Gulf and hide his face in Gulf's shoulder.Gulf gently caressing Mew's back.
"I am broke Gulf. Fix me"

unspoken love that echoes(Mewgulf)Where stories live. Discover now