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It's been two days since Gulf finally convinced to continue the therapy but these two days were very stressful for Mew as Gulf was acting really weird.The first day of those two days, Gulf neither leave the home nor let Mew leave the house.He wouldn't even talk and everytime Mew try to talk about the therapy he would just put both of his hands on his ears and pretend not to be listening.The second day was even worse as when Mew was about to leave the house for office, Gulf insisted to go with him to his office.Mew himself doesn't want to leave Gulf alone so he decided to take Gulf with him.The entire time Gulf sat on the sofa at the reception and was looking at Mew through the glass door separating the office and reception and  When Mew was called to the cabin by his boss for submission of some reports,Gulf's eyes couldn't find him and he went inside the office in search for Mew.Mew  got scolded by his boss for tagging along his partner and also received a lot of unwanted attention that he hates.But what bother him the most was Gulf refuses to talk to him.Mew couldn't figure out what's going in his mind and therapy hasn't even started yet,the thought what would happen after therapy was started to scare him a little.Mew once even thought that maybe Gulf was doing all that so that Mew changes his thoughts about continuing  the therapy by making him feel burdensome.But for Mew, Gulf could never be a burden,Gulf was his greatest escape, his most priced possession and love of his life.
Today was the day of therapy.Gulf decided to go to institution to attend the meeting with the funders.He felt guilty for running  away from his responsibility and letting Saint take care of all the work for those two days.He had to finish the meeting by 5PM as at 6pm he had his therapy session.He was nervous but also a bit relieved as Mew would be there with him like he always is.
The meeting started and Gulf was really glad he attended the meeting as all the funders were really positive about all proposals that they have suggested.It really warms his heart to see humanity still exist and still there are some people who are willing to help the unprivilaged kids.
As the meeting ended, Gulf was sitting on sofa in Saint's office.They were discussing about the date for the next meeting when Ms. Diane knock the door.Ms. Diane was one of the funder.She was 27 years old beautiful woman.She was half Thai and half American.She had brown hair and blue eyes with long eyelashes.She had pointed   nose and plumped pink lips.She was not only beautiful but also very intelligent as she had a Masters degree in chemical engineering.She was walking perfection.
Diane entered the office and joined their discussion.Gulf really liked Diane.He thought every guy would die to date a girl like her.His thoughts interrupted by a voice.It was Mew.
"May I come in." Asked Mew as he doesn't want to disturb their meeting but also reckless as he doesn't want Gulf to be late for his Therapy.
Saint signalled him to come on.
Mew sat beside Gulf where Saint and Diane were standing near the office's table.Mew could sense that Gulf was in better mood and took sigh of relief. Mew was too immersed in Gulf's that he didn't sense a pair of eyes gawking him.
"Mew, this is Ms.Diane, one of the funders." Said Saint.
Ms.Diane stretched her arm for the handshake.Mew did the same.
"I am Mew suppasit."said Mew.
"I know." Said Diane.
Mew was shocked.He tried to withdraw his hand from the handshake but Diane didn't let go his hand.
"What's the hurry?" Said Diane bitting her lower lip.
Gulf and Saint was not really understanding what was happening.Few minutes ago, Gulf really liked Diane but not that much that he would be okay to see her flirting with his boyfriend like this.
Mew withdrew his hand by force making Diane loose her balance.Mew doesn't want to appear rude as she was one of the funders but her touch disgust him.
"I was your senior from chemical engineering department..Now you remember." Said Diane walking to sit beside Mew.
Mew do remember her now. The entire college remembers her as one of the most beautiful girl in their college.Everyone was dying to go on a date with her but for Mew she was that annoying senior that he rejected.
"Yeah, I remember." Said Mew.Gulf's eyes turned to Mew in confusion.
"Is she his ex? If they dated, why would they break up? How come Mew never told me about her." thought Gulf.
Seeing Gulf's reaction, Mew was about to explained but was interrupted by Diane who was moving her hands sensually on Mew's arms.
"Your  veiny arms can seriously be death of someone." Said Diane.
Gulf was taken aback from her action.She was flirting with Mew and Mew doesn't even said a word.
"Is he enjoying this."Thought Gulf.
Mew knew being rude to her would cause a lot of problem for Saint and Gulf.So he gently took her hand away from him.
"Didn't you meet, my boyfriend...Gulf kanauwat " said Mew placing his arm over Gulf's waist and pulling him close.
Gulf's doubts goes away in a second and smile spread on his face.
Diane's eyes widened.She felt rejected.She felt insulted to be lost against a Mute guy. She stood up.
"I thought your type would be some Model after rejecting me in front of entire college but....didn't know your type is not only a guy but a mute guy." Said Diane.
Gulf really wasn't bothered by her words as Mew has already accepted him with all his flaws and he knew she was saying all this to satisfy her ego by bringing him down, typical human nature.But on the other hand, Mew  and Saint were fuming.Noone has given her the right to say something about their Gulf. Saint was about to say but interrupted by Mew
"Look diane, I'm really sorry for insulting you in the past in front of entire college but you can't say anything about Gulf.You have problem with me don't drag Gulf into this....and as far as 'my ideal type' is concern....Gulf is my ideal type...if Gulf is flawed ....I don't want him to be perfect." Said Mew and Saint almost clapped.
Gulf's eyes was looking at Mew with full of admiration and adoration and at Diane with attitude of 'sorry but you lost bitch'.
Mew walked to Gulf.
"Come baby, I don't want you to be late for your session." Said Mew to which Gulf nodded.
"Saint, we will go first. See at your boyfriend's clinic."
Saint nodded.

At zee's clinic
Both Mew and Gulf were waiting for Zee to call them in for the therapy.Gulf pretty nervous as he doesn't have good memories of therapy.Gulf for his most of his life has ran away from his past but now he was just minute away to again on those memories but what comfort him was Mew's presence.
Soon zee showed up.
"Hey gulf, let's go in." Said Zee.
Gulf nodded.Zee went inside the room where he takes therapy session.Gulf followed but stopped by Mew.Gulf turned around.Mew gave him a gentle kiss and on parting.
"Don't be scared, I am here."
All Gulf's nervousness has vanished.He smiled and went inside the room.
Mew landed himself on the sofa praying everything to go well.After just 15 minutes, he saw Gulf stormed out of the room with Zee calling his name.
Mew stood up to stop Gulf and saw Gulf crying.
" why are crying, baby?" Asked Mew cupping Gulf's face.
Gulf took Mew's hand and drag Mew with him to exit the clinic but Mew stopped by Zee's voice.
"Gulf, Me and you both know you are deceiving yourself...the fantasy world that you have built around yourself is built of glass, one stone and it will all shattered down before you know." Said Zee.
Before Mew could figure out Why Zee saying all this, Gulf ran to Zee and grabbed him by the collar.This was the second time Mew was seeing Gulf like this after Tine's incident.
Mew ran after him and took off his hand away from Zee.Thats's when Saint also showed up.Saint was taken aback seeing such site.Gulf has never acted this violent.
Mew turned his eyes to Saint and said.
"Saint, take Gulf to the car with you."
Saint nodded and took Gulf with him.
Mew turned to Zee.
"Can you tell me what the hell just happen?"
Zee fixed himself and took a deep sigh.
"Gulf remembers."
"Remeber what?"
"He remembered the night of accident.He remembered his dad has never consumed alcohol that night. That accident was not his father's fault."
Mew almost stumbled after hearing that.
"I haven't come Bangkok  to meet Saint but Gulf.A month ago someone came to me to ask about Gulf's case and details related to accident......the real killer somewhere out there who should be punished instead of Gulf."
'So, what do you want me to do now."
"Right now,just stay with gulf. I'll figure things out."
Mew nodded and went to Gulf who was sitting in the car.
Mew was driving to get home.Mew didn't know what going to happen next and what to do.The frustration was turning into  anger and Gulf silence was making it worse.
"Are you going to explain what the fuck just happened in there? " said Mew with anger but Gulf ignored it as if he didn't heard him.
" Do you know I am doing all this for you and you... acting like this is not helping it.Can't you just do what Zee told you to do.Is it so hard to do that.....Don't you love your parents...don't you want killer of your parents to get arrested." Said Mew with frustration.
Gulf started to cry.Mew's demeanor softened.He put his hand on him but Gulf shrugged it off.Mew decided not to say anything.
Soon they reached home and Mew parked his car in the parking lot.Mew unfastened his seat belt to exit the car but Gulf didn't move.
"Are you going to stay here?"
Gulf nodded.
"Gulf, talk to me.Tell me what happened?"
Gulf unfastened his seatbelt and sat on Mew's lap.
"What are you doing?" Said Mew with confusion.
Gulf leaned down to kiss Mew wildly but Mew doesn't reciprocated and pushed Gulf to disconnect their lips.
Mew looked at Gulf's red shot eyes which was full of pain and anger.He doesn't know what's going in his mind and didn't know if this is the best way but he knew one thing his love needs him right now.He pulled him back into the kiss.Both kiss hungrily, fighting for dominance.Both opened their mouth to let their tongues explore each other mouth.Both started to unfastened their pants.Gulf put Mew's member into his hole and stayed in that position.He gently caressed Mew's cheeks letting a tear rolled down his eyes.Mew wiped his tear and pulled his head down to kiss his forehead and connected their lips again but this time, the kiss was gentle full of tenderness.It was like they were taking each other's pain.
Gulf started to move his hips slowly.Moan escaped from Mew's mouth.
Mew put his hand Gulf's member which was oozing with precum and started to stroke it and his other On his waist.
Gulf put his hand on the roof of the car and started to move his hips faster.
Moans filled the car, both were sweating with pleasure and ecstacy.For a moment they just forgot everything and came in unison.Gulf landed on Mew's chest and fall asleep.
Mew brushed Gulf's hair and let a tear rolled down his cheek.
"I can't bear to lose you, baby"

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