19. Shock

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Mew was driving to Bright's house.It was the only place he could think of.Beside Gulf, Bright was only one he could show his weak side to.When they used to be in college, whenever Mew had a fight with his Dad or anyone, he would rush to Bright.Bright hasn't only been his best friend but also his support and right now,he needed that support the most.
Gulf's cries was echoing in his ear.The picture of Gulf's crying and punching him was flashing in his mind.His strength,his faith, his belief  were shaking.He needed someone...He needed Bright. With that thought,  he pressed the accelerator harder.

Bright was having dinner on dining table when Mr.chivaree joined him.He pulled the chair to sit next to Bright with a smile.

"How are you my son?" Said Mr.chivaree patting Bright's shoulder.

"You seemed happy, dad.....does the opponent party accepted their defeat even before election?"
Mr.chivaree chuckled.

"That would also happen soon but that wouldn't make me this happy."

"What happened? You are making me curious."

"I met Mew today."

"Oh! this happiness is because of meeting your son." Said Bright with a smile.

"No!  This smile is for removing Gulf from his life."
Bright was confused.

"Gulf remember the night of accident but fortunately he lost his consciousness before seeing you.Mew came to me for help and I turned the table by proving that stupid lawyer  guilty."

"Wow dad...you are so good."

"Thank you my son, but do you think Mew would believe it."

"Ofcourse dad, I know him.He thinks that he is cursed.He is one those people who don't believe that something  good could actually happen to them and When something bad happens,they loose their senses and goes to someone whom they trust and that is.....me." said Bright with confidence.

"You are too confident." Said Mr. Chivaree raising his eyebrow.

"When it comes to Mew, I am.By now he would have broken up with him because he thinks that it is too selfish to be with Gulf.He might not even fought for Gulf.....trust me,dad....he would be here anytime soon."
"By the way,you should call Mew phi.He is your elder brother.Have some respect."
"You know dad, for all those years I wanted to call him phi but doesn't want to make him awkward.you know what I mean?"
"I think you are thinking too hard."said Mr.chivaree ruffling Bright's hair.
Both of them chuckled and start eating.

"Dad! Did you talk to Gulf's uncle.Was he able to find out the guy who stole the FIR report."

"I have talked to him a week ago and he has no clue who has stolen it.He also told me that someone was looking for Gulf."

"What? Why didn't you tell me this before.?"

"It might have  slipped my mind, son."
Bright was still angry at his dad.

"Who was that person.?"

"I don't know....that psychiatrist who was appointed for Gulf has told him that someone has asked about him."
Suddenly spoon dropped from Mr.chivaree's hand.Bright got really worried as his dad got completely froze.He shook his body.

"Dad! What happened.?"
Mr.chivaree composed himself.

"I know who is this guy." Said Mr.chivaree

"Who?" Asked bright.

"It's that bloody psychiatrist." Said Mr.chivaree.
Bright got confuse as what that psychiatrist  has to do about this.

"Dad! If he is one that stole the FIR report, he would have known that Gulf's uncle is also involve with us then why would he tell Gulf's uncle about someone enquiring about Gulf."

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