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Bright rushed to the car to drive himself to the hospital.He just wanted to be there for Mew.Although his father didn't uttered a word but he was confirmed that his dad was behind all this as he still remembers when Mew's dad was trying to file a case against them,his dad threatened  Mr.Joongcheevevat and when he still didn't back out,Mew's grandmother ended up in the hospital and died later on.
The thought of how Mew has to always face the consequences for his wrong doing was eating him up.He pressed the accelerator harder with his foot.His mind was losing every control.Tears were flowing from his eyes.He just wanted to be there for Mew.He wanted to keep his promise that he made to his mom.
"Phi, I'll make everything okay." Said Bright to himself.
Soon Bright reached the hospital. He flown out of the car and ran to the reception.
"May I know, which ward Mr.joongcheeveevat is admitted." Asked Bright.
"He is currently undergoing a surgery in the operation theater No.2 on the 5th floor." Said the receptionist.
"Thank you ." Replied Bright.
He ran to the elevator but it was taking time.He was recklessly moving to and fro waiting for the elevator but gave up and took the stairs instead.As he reached, he was already out of breath and his eyes were wandering around in search of Mew. Suddenly he heard someone calling him.
"Hey Bright,Turn around."said Max.
He turned around and ran towards the owner of the voice.He saw saint and Mr.Kirigun(Dean of their college and Saint's father) outside the operation theater and Max and off was standing against the wall with their arms crossed against their chest.
Everybody looked at Bright except Mew.Mew was sitting still like a statue.Saint was patting his back gently but Mew was frozen.
"Bright, thank God you are here.Mew is not okay.He neither cried nor did he uttered a word.He is like this for half an hour. If he would stay like this,he would die."said Max.Concern  was clearly visible in his voice.
Bright hasn't seen Mew since two weeks and this is not the state,he was expecting him to see.Bright walked towards Mew and kneeled down, clasping his hand with Mew.Mew looked at him with glassy eyes .
"Phi! I am here naa. Don't worry,I'll make everything alright." Said Bright slightly sobbing.
Everyone was little taken back as this was the first time Bright has called anyone "phi".They knew Mew was two years older than him but he never called him that.
After seeing his best friend after two weeks and in the state where he was the most vulnerable.He couldn't held back his tears.He hugged Bright and started crying hard.
"Why Bright?Why? It always me....why everyone abandoned me like this? WHY?....Why every time I feel happy,something like this happen.Am I not allowed to feel happy?....Do I always has to pay like this for being happy?" Said Mew while hugging Bright.
"NO Phil! No one has abandoned you.Your little brother is here naa....I'll never leave you alone." Said Bright patting Mew's back.
Bright's words made Mew hug him even tighter.
"Sssshhhh Phi, everything will be alright."
Mew stopped crying and let go Bright.Mew wipe off his tears.
"You okay,phi?"
Mew nodded and looked around in search of Gulf but Gulf wasn't there.
"Where is Gulf?" Asked Mew to saint.
Bright was shocked after hearing the name,he least want to hear right now.
"Why he should be here?" Asked Bright.
Mew soon realized that Bright still don't know about him and Gulf.
"I have been meaning to tell you this but couldn't reach you......Gulf is my boyfriend. " said Mew with sincerity.
Bright almost stumbled hearing that.Mew held him.
"Are you okay." Asked Mew.
Bright didn't answer.He was too shocked to say anything.Everything was getting out of his control in front of his eyes.
"I am sorry Bright .....but....I can't give up him." Said Mew with conviction.
Bright felt that he underestimated Mew's feelings for Gulf.He had never seen Mew going against him with such conviction in his eyes.He knew he has to planned everything again but right know it's better not to lose control.
"We'll talk about this later." Said Bright smiling thinly.
Everyone's attention soon turned to Gulf who ran towards Mew without noticing Bright.
Mew can tell from Gulf's puffy eyes that he has cried. He knew he must have cried alone in a corner as he wanted to take care of him and be strong for him like a good boyfriend.
Mew caressed Gulf's cheek with his hand.
"Where were you?" Asked Gulf.
Bright was startled seeing the proximity of Mew and Gulf.He can't understand how the hell in a week they become this close.
"He was taking care of the paper works." Answered saint.
"Don't go anywhere now....stay here with me." Said Mew in pleading voice.Gulf nodded with glassy eyes.

unspoken love that echoes(Mewgulf)Where stories live. Discover now