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It's been a week since Gulf's first therapy session.Gulf was convinced to continue his therapy.Zee was planning on to strengthen Gulf mentally and emotionally through therapy before he reopen the case to which all agreed.Gulf also seems to be okay about the decision.According to Zee, Gulf was responding to therapies pretty positively and if he remain like this, they would soon start his speech therapy but according to Mew, Gulf seems different.There was no doubt that Gulf was smiling like old days, was not reacting aggressively and not showing any post therapy effects but there was pain behind his smile.Mew knew Gulf was secretly crying in bathroom and losing sleep but would plastered a smile to hide all that pain.He spend hours looking at a spot absentmindedly in the dark which he used to hate.It was hurting Mew to see him like that.He often tried to talk to him but they would just ended up having sex.They were physically connected to each other but not emotionally. It feels like their bodies are so closed yet So far.Mew totally agree with Zee's decision of not reopening the case before therapies but Mew was losing his patience.He couldn't see Gulf in this pain for that long.He couldn't stay like this without doing anything.And the fact that Zee also forbid him from talking to Gulf's uncle. Was creating doubts in his mind.He first thought that Zee is hiding the information about Gulf continuing the therapy because his uncle wouldn't allow it but hiding it at this point seems unreasonable.Asmuch as he heard of Gulf's uncle,he seems to be a good person who treated Gulf like his own son.He should know that his nephew is going through such a difficult phase.He should also know that the accident was not his brother's fault and the killer is out their searching for Gulf.Hewas only one who could answer some of their questions but it seems like Zee was hiding something from him.Mew was certain that Zee knew something....something related to the case....something that he was afraid to share with Mew...something Mew was unaware of.
Mew was getting impatient.He was losing his trust over Zee and decided fo tackle things his own way.First he need to gather all the information about the accident.But getting information about a accident which occurred 5 years was difficult and the killer get away from this case, that means he must be a very powerful person.Going to the police also wasn't good idea as they would also be involved in it. So going against them for a normal guy like him doesn't seem like a good idea.He had to take help and the first name that came to his mind was Bright's dad.He was one of the most powerful person in Bangkok and soon to be a leader.There was no away the killer could be more powerful than him.He took out of phone and called him.
"Can I meet right now?"
Bright's Dad office
Mr.Chivaree was waiting for Mew.He was more than delighted about the thought of meeting his son.He had meeting for election campaign with his political party's members but cancelled it as his son wanted to meet his dad.It's been more than a week since he had heard Mew calling him 'papa'.He thought he must record it so that he could listen it to every day.The thought of him calling him papa brought a smile on his smile which is rare to see.His thoughts were interrupted
Knock knock
He looked up to see his son.The sight of his son coming to meet his father had almost brought tears in his eyes.
"Come, in son....and for now on don't knock...you always welcomed here." Said Mr.chivaree with a smile.
Mew walked in the office and sat on sofa beside Mr.chivaree.
Mr.chivaree can see Mew was tensed about something.
"Is anything wrong? You know you can tell me anything." Said Mr.chivaree resting his hand over Mew's hand.
"I want your help."
Mr.chivaree smiled even wider on seeing his son thought of him when he was in problem.He would do anything to help him.
"Ofcourse son, I would do anything."
"I want all the information about Gulf kanawut accident that occurred 5 years ago in chiang Mai."
Mr. Chivaree's eyes widen.He took away his hand that was resting over Mew.His palms started to get sweaty.His forehead started to form wrinkles.
"Why do you want that?" Asked Mr.chivaree.
Mew wasn't expecting that question but gather himself and said
"Gulf Kanawut is my boyfriend.He was one of the victim of that accident.He lost his parents, his voice and his memory in that accident.The killer is a powerful person who get off this case. And instead of registering it as Hit and Run case,it was registered as Drunk driving putting all the blame on Gulf's father." Said Mew.
Mr.chivaree was shocked on seeing Mew know more about the accident that he should know but didn't show it.
"How are you sure about it?"
"My boyfriend got his memory back"
Mr.chivaree choke on his own saliva.
"Are you okay?" Asked Mew tapping Mr.chivaree's back.
"I am okay.....so does your boyfriend remember who is the killer."
"No! Before he could see that person, he lost his consciousness."
Mr.chivaree felt little relaxed.
"Look Mew, I want to help you but it looks like this case involve high profile people and going against at the time of election is impossible.I am sorry." Said Mr.chivaree tapping Mew's shoulder.
Bright's dad was his last hope.He didn't know other way to help Gulf.Without thinking much,Mew kneel down in front of Mr.chivaree and clasped his hand.
"Please, help me.I can't see him like this.He breaks my heart to see him like this.He is in pain.I know he doesn't say it but I can see it in his eyes....please papa....you are my last hope....would you say the same thing if I was your real son....tell me papa." Said Mew with teary eyes.
Mr.chivaree froze on his spot.The last he wanted to see was Mew like this.His own son was begging him to go against his another.This was worst nightmare for a father.
"Get up, son."
Mew stood up and beside him.
"I have always treated you like my own son and always will......I promise you that by tomorrow you would get all information about that accident." Said Mr.chivaree.
Hearing those words was the best thing that happen to Mew in last week.He couldn't control his happiness and hugged Mr.chivaree.
Mr.chivaree was taken back by his action but having his child in arms was the best feeling.He hugged him back.
"I am here for you, son, no matter what."
At coffee shop
Mr.chivaree was waiting for Mew at the coffee shop with a lawyer who he had bribed to gave Mew false information.With this false information, he was planning to not only destroy Mew and Gulf relationship but also destroy Mew's dad image.Mr.chivaree thought it was right time to use Mr.joongcheeveevat's death.
Soon Mew entered the coffee shop.His eyes wandered to search Mr.chivaree and when found, he sat beside him noticing another man sitting with them.Mew looked at Mr.chivaree questionably.
"Mew, this is Mr.Apichat.He is a lawyer.He would be providing you with all the information regarding to the accident."
Mew nodded and prepare himself for the information.
"So what do you want to know?" Asked the lawyer.
"Everything." Said Mew without even taking a second.
"Providing every information about this case is difficult because it is a old case and the victim's guardian that means Gulf's Kanawut uncle has himself withdrawn the case. So there is no much to say about this case except for this postmortem report of Gulf's father in which it is clearly stated that he has consumed high percentage of alcohol." Said the lawyer showing Mew the reports.
Mew looked at the reports and rubbed his temple.He knew someone has fabricated it.
"It can be fake. The killer might have fabricated the report to get through this." Said Mew in frustration.
"Yes, it can be true."
The lawyer took a deep sigh
"Look Sir, Gulf's guardian that is ,his uncle has first filed a FIR and as our constitution say justice prevails, a public prosecutor was also appointed but after the evidences got fabricated, it convince Gulf's family that the accident was indeed a Drink and Drive case.So before this case could even meet trials, the case got closed."
Mew confidence was decreasing with each word of lawyer but he compose himself.
"But what if, the only alive victim of that accident testify in the court." asked Mew with hope.
"As much as Mr.chivaree told me,he only knew his father didn't consume alcohol which doesn't really prove anything and plus he has a record of mental illness and going to therapy.So I am afraid that he wouldn't be considered as a potential witness. Opposition would not require much time to declare him mentally unstable."
Mew was about to throw punch at him for judging Gulf like that but stopped by Mr.chivaree.
"Easy son! Easy....I know you love him but he was telling you from a neutral prospective." Said Mr. Chivaree.
Mew scoffed but let his anger slide.
"Can you tell me who the killer is?" asked Mew.
"When powerful or high profile people are accused for any case,their name are usually protected in name of public relation to protect them from public defamation untill their crime is proven.So getting the name of the killer is difficult but I can tell you the name of opposition lawyer who lead his case.He was considered to be the mastermind and was behind the fabrication of evidences."
Mew arched his back and the hope that he lost was slowing coming back.
The lawyer took out a photo and placed it in front of Mew's eyes.
"This is the lawyer, Mr. Joongcheevevat."
Mew's eyes widened.He couldn't believe that his own dad that he admire all his life is behind this.
A smile spread on Mr.chivaree's face and turned back to smile even wider when he saw Gulf standing at the back listening to all this with tears in his eyes.
"One shot, two kills" thought Mr. Chivaree.
Even I am not ready for the next chapter.

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