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Mew decided to get off his work early.He still has conflicting thoughts about the therapy.He wanted to fix those nightmares but the thought of  letting  the love of his life going through pain, misery and hardship was making it more difficult.He decided to give the thought of therapy a little bit more time before he can came up with a decision till that time he wanted to make Gulf feel special,loved and Safe.So he took a bouquet of flowers and a chocolate mini cake on the way.
He was driving back home with smile.He decided to not to think about those nightmares anymore but about Gulf, his likings, his dreams, their future together.He couldn't wait to wait to get home and surprise Gulf.As he reached, he quickly get out of the car with bouquet in one hand and mini cake in other hand.He couldn't wait for the elevator so he took the stairs instead.
He opened the door with his spare key.He opened the door and almost stumbled as lights of entire house was off.Gulf never do that even when he sleep,he always have their drawing room lights on.Mew switch on the lights and immediately put the cake in the refrigerator before it get melt.He take off his coat and went to bedroom in the search of Gulf but he wasn't there.He went to another room but Gulf was nowhere to find.He took out his phone to call him but found Gulf has left his mobile at home.Mew started to get panick.He went to nearby grocery store where they usually shop, to the nearby park where they would walk together but there was no trace of Gulf.He then called Saint but Saint told him that he left 4 hours ago.He once again went back to home.As he entered, he heard sound of water from bathroom and took a sigh of relief.He rushed to the door of bathroom.
"Gulf!Are you in there?....do you know how worried I was....just forget it ....I am glad you are home.Open the door! Let's take a bath together." Said Mew waiting for Gulf to open the door but Gulf didn't open.
"Gulf! Open the door....baby let me in."
Said Mew slightly worried but still there was no response.Mew panicked and started banging the door.
"Baby! You are scaring me.Please open the door."
He tried to unlock the door but didn't help.He can't think of anythingelse but Gulf.
"Baby!took a step back, I am breaking  the door."
Mew himself took a few step back and kicked the door.After few kicks, he was able to break the door.He entered and found Gulf lying on the bathroom floor with white foam coming out of his mouth.His one hand was holding sleeping pills.
Mew almost lost his balance,he started breathing heavily, he approached Gulf with trembling hands and put a finger under his nose.Gulf wasn't breathing.Mew broke down in tears.He was shaking his body as if it could bring life to it.He lift Gulf's body and hugged him.
" baby ! Wake up....I know you are pretending...I don't like this game....please wake up.....okay you Win....please wake up." Said Mew between crying.
Mew let go Gulf's body and crawled to one corner of bathroom.He sat in the corner with his leg bend to his chest and his eyes were darted at the lifeless body of Gulf.Cold silence, exasperated numbness, inevitable pain was taking over his body.
"Gulf!  You can't leave me.....you are not not allowed to leave me.....Gulf! Gulf! GULF!!!!!
Suddenly Mew woke up.He was breathing heavily and was covered with sweat.He ran trembling Fingers through his hair.As he compose himself,he went out of the bed and went to search for Gulf.
Mew went to kitchen and saw Gulf preparing the breakfast.He was so overwhelmed to see his love alive that he couldn't stop crying.He ran to him, turned Gulf around and hugged him tightly burying his face in Gulf's neck.Gulf got shocked at sudden action of affection but smiled because how can he complain his big panda's warm hugs.Gulf hugged him back.After a minute,Mew let him go.Gulf's smile disappeared as he saw tears in Mew's eyes.He wiped of the tears and looked at Mew with concerned eyes.
Seeing Gulf's reaction.
"I am fine, just had a bad dream....very bad dream." Said Mew caressing His cheek.
Gulf felt bad for Mew because he knew how bad nightmares can be so he hugged him back again.
On parting,they both had their breakfast.Gulf left fo go to institution ashe was meeting some philanthropist.
Mew decided to pick up Gulf in the evening for the date.He was happy as their date got postponed as it would buy him a little time to how to convince Gulf.Zee's words nightmares,cries ,lost of sleep, all are temporary but suicide is permanent were echoing in his mind.
Mew landed himself on the couch,thinking hard till
It was unknown number.Without thinking much he picked up the call.
"Hello Mew,it's Bright's dad."
"Sawadeep khrub sir...I mean papa."
"Son! Can you send me your house address, I was thinking of sending you some things you would be needed in the future."
"Papa, there is no need for that."
"As a papa, it's my responsibility and you can't say no otherwise papa would be upset."
"Ok papa."
"That's my son."
"You are sounding a little low.Is there something I could help you with.?"
"Papa, ......it's just that I want to help someone I love but I don't know how."
"Son! Sometimes the biggest help you can do for someone is just being there for them...making them feel that they have someone to rely on....Trust me...I have regretted not being able to be with people I love....don't do the same."
"Thanks, papa."
"It's alright, I need to go....take care of yourself."
Mew hung up the phone.Mew knew what he had to do next.
Mew picked Gulf from the institution
and was driving with his one hand clasped with Gulf.Gulf was really happy.This moment for him was a pure bliss and the best escape from his nightmares.He was longing to go with Mew for the longest time and now he just having the best time of his life.Soon Mew stopped and park the car.Both got out of the car.Gulf was little confused as the place was neither a restaurant nor a amusement park.There weren't people either.
"We are still not there.We have to walk from here." Said Mew stretching his arm to hold Gulf's hand.
After a minute of walking, they reached a isolated spot.The spot from where the entire city can be seen.Gulf was mesmerised by the sight in front of him.The yellow and orange clouds in the sky, the setting sun, the cold wind and the warm arms of his liver around his torso was making his heart feel at peace.He used to think places like this only exist in movies but seeing it in person was mesmerizing and sharing this magical moment with his favourite person just adds more beauty to it.
"Do you like it?" Asked Mew.
Gulf nodded and turns back to wrapped his arms around Mew's neck and placed his lips on his.
The sight of two lovers sharing a kiss under the yellow and orange sky that stretches wide away was perfect for canvas.
As they parted, Gulf again turned back to enjoy the beauty of nature with Mew's arm wrapped around him.
"I uses to come here with Dad.Dad used to say that Sunset is considered to be the end of the day, the only end that gives hopes for the new day,the only end bring peace,the only end that We wish to see again."said Mew snuggling into Gulf's neck.Both closed their to feel the cool breeze taking all the pain,distress and misery and giving the feeling of peace and safety.Both felt rain drops on their face.
"It's start to rain baby.Let's go to the car." Said Mew clasping his hands with Gulf.
They both ran to the car.Mew sat on the driving seat and Gulf was about to sit on the passenger seat but Mew stopped and Grabbed his hand to make him sit on his lap with his both legs on one side.
"Where do you think you are going? "Said Mew smiling.Gulf was blushing so hard that his ears turned red.
"Are you blushing?"
Gulf got more flustered and hide his face in Mew's chest.Mew wrapped his arms around Gulf.
Both were enjoying the rain.The symphony of rattling of leaves,the howling of cold wind,the sound of raindrops was most beautiful music to their ear.The rain drops on the car's window and earthy smell of wet soil was making it more relaxing.
"Baby, I want to talk to you about something."
Gulf leaned up to look at him.
"The other day,I met Saint and Zee.He want you to....I mean We want you to continue your....therapy."
Before Mew could say anything.Gulf opened the car's door,get out of the Car and started running but as the road was wet,he fell hard on the ground.
Seeing that Mew ran towards him but also fell beside him.Both looked at each other and started laughing.
Mew got up and helped Gulf to stand up.Mew was about to hold Gulf's hand but he shrugged it off.
"Baby! Listen to me.....I know how hard it can be for you to continue therapy ....but it's even harder to see having those nightmares and the thought of you killing yourself is driving me insane." Said Mew with teary eyes.
Gulf was shocked by that information.He doesn't want Mew to know about the darkness of his past.The thought what would Mew think about him was killing him that his boyfriend is not only mute but also mentally unstable.
Gulf turned around to walk away but Mew stopped him wrapping his arms around his torso.Gulf tried to escape but Mew started planting kisses on his nape.Gulf stopped trying to escape.
"Baby! You don't want to talk about your past.......You don't know how much wished to be there for you when you were going that dark time....how much I wish I hold you in my arms when you lost your everything...how much I wish I have met you earlier". Said Mew.
Mew turned Gulf around and placed his thumb under Gulf's chin to make him look into his eyes.
"You are the nicest person that I have met and you don't deserve this....you deserve a closure babe.....You have been there with me at all my bad times now it's time for me.....You have accepted me with all my darkness and fixed with your light.Now it's my time naa."
Gulf just listened to him with surprised eye.Mew leaned to give Gulf a brief kiss.
"Baby ! I promise you I will there with you.....I'll always be there lend you my shoulder to cry....I'll always be ready to take you in my arms....I'll be there for you ...so don't get scared.....would you continue the therapy." Asked Mew
Gulf couldn't believe that such cheesy words can give him the strength to fight his biggest fear.The fear that was haunting him for years doesn't appear as frightening as it did in the past.
Gulf nodded and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you baby! Let's do this together."

unspoken love that echoes(Mewgulf)Where stories live. Discover now