Prologue: run away

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"run away"


someone's pov

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someone's pov...

"Your highness, the emperor wanted to see you."

Glaring at the maid who is currently waiting at the door. I then gracefully stood up as I gave her a full body inspection.

She's new.

Everything in this place has been altered by that scumbag. What is he actually scheming?

"Okay, you may go." I swiftly said, she hurriedly bowed and exited my room. I turn to face the window and then look down at my feet, where I'd tucked away some garments and a blanket so I might use them as a rope to escape. "My escape will go as I plan for tonight and I'm not letting that bastard stop me."

I then exhaled as I smiled bitterly, before I approach the door.


"Your Majesty, you're looking for me?" I humbly hail and said. Then, with a grin on his face, he turned just in front of me. "Nefertari, you continue to be as lovely as ever. Just like a rose blooming in the garden.", he says as he perches to take a seat. I remained where I was and replied, "Just tell me, why did you require my presence."

"Oh yes, first have a si-."

"No thank you, broth-I mean your majesty." he got tight-lipped for a meantime and titter. "You still loathed me, aren't you imperial princess?" I just gaze at him.

Of course I am, considering that you poisoned your own father and that I am aware of your connection to my mother's disappearance.

I then averted my eyes from his face, and grin "Your majesty, not being arrogant, but I genuinely wanted to know the reason for your summoning." He exhaled after that.

He tips at his table and places a piece of paper there. "I need sign this."


I continuously rubbed my irritated brow because of this f*cking paper I've been holding for a while now. "A bargain for marriage?! Is he crazy?! Even if he is now the emperor, Up to this point, I'm still his stepsister!"

Depending on my decision, there's a high possibility that he will lock me up in the imperial palace for eternity if I don't sign the paper by tomorrow.

Thinking about it, I still remember when he placed an enchantment in my room, that cunning bastard locked my malediction and prevented me from using an incantation to leave this place. But if I escape the imperial palace, I, for sure can use my incantation again.

This is bullshit!

But still, since I'm planning to use my ruse tonight, it still work to my advantage.

Well who said I'm going to use an incantation for escape?


third person's pov...

"Your majesty!" The guard yell from outside the emperor's cramped chamber. The lad scowls in response to his subject's startled sob. He slammed open the door to his bedroom and exclaimed angrily, "What?!"

How dare this guard vociferate at me in this late hour. He contemplated.

The guard panted and quickly bowed as he saw the emperor irritably staring at him. "My lord, I'm compunctious with the disruption I offer, but-"

"But what?! Speak before I determined to gash off your head after you interrupt my valuable hour!" He slash off the guard's remark just as the guard pursue on trembling and lower his head. "The princess is missing your highness! Her supposedly personal servant ought to oblige her with her night regimen, but the servant found her room void." the guard mutter in quiver.

His eyes squinted as he cast a quick check at the other guards standing, "The princess what?!"

That woman certainly knows how to get on my nerves. He thought. He then muttered, "How dare she flee from me." and bit his lip angrily.


"Yes your majesty!" He crossed his arms as one of his hand rub his forehead. "Search the whole empire, and do not break off unless you locate the imperial princess!" He demand. "Yes your highness!" The guards bowed and briskly toe the line.

Don't fret Izana, Nefertari is the only lady in the empire who have THAT ability-the ancestral sortilege of the previous empresses. For sure, it's uncomplicated for the guards to find her. He thought as compressed his hands in annoyance.

"Do you truly think you can get away from me? dear Nefertari?"


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