Chapter 2: intruder

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rafael's pov...

"So what are we gonna do now?" I queried as we stood at the door. "Okay, we can't just jump to the cessation that someone infringe our home. I mean THIS is the Pillar Forest, the most miniacious forest here in the City of Aurora. If someone walks around here in this treacherous place-" Hunter pauses, tackling when the door suddenly creaks unlatched. "Ooh, the door is left unbarred. Now tell us if we CAN'T just jump to the cessation.", Dion spoke, as he screwed up his eyes towards Hunter.

The dummy merely ignored it, though. "Just making the possibility." He provided a defense. "Even though this is the most dangerous forest, we can't just say that no one can pull through here, exactly like in this present circumstances." Cabel said, glancing at the door.

Confirmed. There's a trespasser in the house.

I asked as I crossed my arms, "So are we going to stand here all day, waiting for the intruder?" They are merely exchanging looks. Dion grabbed Lucas's arm and murmured "wait." as he stopped him from entering the house. We waited for him to continue speaking while just staring at him.

He said, "Lucas go to the stern opening of the abode. Merely in case, if ever the trespasser is vulnerable, then hit it senseless. " Lucas just gazed at him and breathed out as he messed up his hair and leisurely strolled away as he went to the rear side of the domicile. "What are you planning?" Cassian enquired.

We just stared at him. Dion replied, slowly unlocking the doorway with only a slight squeak as a sound. "Just stand by for a little while." he said. Khalid murmured as he walked up behind Dion, "An alternate idiotic idea." As I leaned toward the side of the hatch, I said, "I'll just stay here outside in case if anything occurs."

I then stared at Cabel as I seized his arm before he could go into the house. "What? " He queried, since I'd been gazing at him. "You can discern the time to come, right? Do you know what will happen indoors?" I asked. He just disregarded his arms as he exhaled. "You are aware what will happen if I utilized my capacity, Rafael, I'll get a headac-"

"Headache, yeah right." I cut him off. He gaped at me for a second and tackled. "I'll just stay here, those idiots can catch the interloper themselves." he uttered, as he went just before the small stairs in the sight of the entrance of our house and take a seat.

Cabel continues to experience trauma from using his abilities. Being aware of the future.


nefertari's pov...

Woah! this kuchen is mouthwatering. Whoever made it could be a marvelous boulanger. "Pondering about it. Someone might really reside here. After all, there's a lot of sustenance in here." I murmured. As I bit another mouthful "Stay where you are prowler-" I winced with an unexpected howl infront of me as I ceased in chomping my nutriment.

[kuchen: it is a German word for cake, is used in other languages as the name for several different types of savory or sweet desserts, pastries, and gateaux.]

[boulanger:  baker or a person who bakes.]

The individuals in front of me appear to be preparing to attack based on their behavior. They appear startled, as if they had just witnessed a ghost.

Wait, intruder? Could it be-

I widened my eyes as I quickly swallowed what I ate. "Oh sorry, is this your house? I mean I didn't mean to tres-"

I heard what sounded like a whisper saying, "κλείσε τα μάτια σου και πήγαινε για ύπνο..." My head abruptly swirled downward as those folks in front of me became hazy, as if the wind were dragging. I heard one of them say, "Wait, don't do it Lucas!" and then everything went black as if I were enveloped in darkness.


dion's pov...

It was too late to say, "Wait, Lucas, don't do it!" Thankfully, Lucas saw the girl almost fall and swiftly caught her. Rafael then joined the scene with Cabel as he swiftly took note of the girl in front of her, "What happened here? I just heard Dion's voice." Rafael regarded us and said, "Wait, the intruder is a girl?

"It's a woman." Khalid cut in. "Still a girl, a female gender." Rafael said. "That's not how you treat a woman, you idiots." Cabel said as he went to that stranger. "Lucas didn't mean it. I mean all of us didn't mean it. She just stole a meal?" I said. "Seriously? Only for a meal?" Rafael said as he crossed his arms towards me. "Come on, I don't know she's a woman.", Lucas said. Cabel quickly checked her pulse. "I didn't kill her, alright? stop checking her pulse as if I assassinated her.", Lucas complained, but Cabel only stared at him.

"You use your invocation, right? Putting her to sleep." Cabel questioned, Lucas turned his head aside and remained silent. Cabel stood up as Lucas carefully carried that woman, "Since you apply it, she might be sleeping for three days, owing to the influence of your incantation."

"So what are we going to carry out with her?" All of us were still. "YOU will convey her and conduct her to your room for her to repose." I broaden my eyes as I grin in a sardonic manner and huffed. "Seriously? Why me?!" I protested. Cabel then steadily, cautiously saunter toward me. "Hmmm, why you? That's a great question. First and foremost, you led the clique into the residence with a rapid plan. It's you who order Lucas in which you should have halt him in making use of his conjuration so that not a soul gets in difficulty."

"Well, it's behind time. I attempted to conclude Lucas, alright?" Cabel just raised his eyebrows. "But still you're unable to. So you take responsibility."

"Seriously? Just hurl her out of doors. I'm not gonna allow her take my space."

I hear Khalid say, "Egocentric rascal," which makes my blood boil. "What the heck did you just say?!"

"Okay, okay. Stop! You're all contending just for an area for the young woman to rest? Seriously guys?! If none of you welcomed this lass, then I'll permit her to lodge in my free space instead." Cassian muttered. He then applauded as he beamed. "Mainly you Dion, you're such a man of honor." He ploddingly wend his way towards Lucas for him to fetch the young lady. But I just groan. Now, I'm the blameworthy. Sh*t fine!

"F*ck off." I mumbled as I shoved Cassian aside. "I'll give her permission to linger in my territory for the time being." I mouthed as I gestured to Lucas to give me the dame.

"You thus far answered no." Cassian claimed. "I didn't say 'no', I just grumbled and spoke of my reason. And besides saying 'no' to you all makes me an immoral fellow." I asserted, and goggled at the mare as Lucas handed her to me. "Heedful with her, remember Dion, she's a lady not an object for you to inattentively carry."

"She's not a gold." I mumbled as I consciously went upstairs with this woman.


cassian's pov...

I remarked, placing my hand on my hips, "That lad not only hated the imperial families, but, in fact, detests all and sundry." As he fixed his gaze on me, Lucas remarked, "Oh, hold your tongue, see who's talking."

Khalid added as he made his way upstairs, "He specifically has a vexation issue." Hunter regarded us and remarked, "Is Khalid going to follow Dion around all day? I mean, he also followed Dion around when Dion entered the house earlier."

As I gaped at the stairs that led to the home's second floor, I exclaimed, "Uh, no. He's target right now is his bed."


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