Chapter 7: felon in distress

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"felon in distress"


nefertari's pov

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nefertari's pov...

As I managed to run left and right in every alley, it appeared that I had already spoken all the vulgarities I needed to say, "Shit!" and another. I run here and run there, leap here and leap there. When will my entire existence get the word 'peace'?! It's even a good thing I'm dressed in men's trousers alongside a waistband instead of a dress, or else, I might trip over my own garments. By the way, are these guards aren't even tired of chasing the hell out of me?! That bastard truly isn't going to relent unless I'm already in his grasp again, that fucking psycho!

While sprinting, I never miss a moment to turn my head behind me to find out if they are continuing to pursue me. And for fucking sake, they still did. In what way can they be running swiftly despite their heavy armor by the way?! "Shit! shit! shit!" I cried out as I quickened my motion. I almost even trip at every roadside fruit stall for the reason a couple of them hinder my route along the path, together with the gasp and disorientation noticeable between the vendors and civilians.

"We command you to cease, your eminence!" one of them hollered from afar. Are they seriously stupid? Do they actually assume the fact that knowing I'll be captured and brought back to the palace will be adequate to detain me? I don't consider myself a fucking idiot! What exactly do they expect me to say? 'Sure you can capture me and deliver me back to the palace.' Heck no! Oh my! Enough with these thoughts, these men are actually practically catastrophic for catching me. At this point, it really feels like I'm a particular sort of crook who rendered an enormous error contrary to that fucking son of a bitch of an emperor. I squeezed the palm of my hand before I jumped upon another mini-cart packed with void boxes that blocked my way. Why do I have the feeling that I'm a rodent, and they are felines striving for their prey? I should have the upper hand since I'm a motherfucking princess! Now my title 'princess' is even pointless, considering that I am unable to persuade these individuals not to run after me.

"Wait! No! Don't shoot!" I creased my brows whilst one of the guards shouted, leading me to look over at my shoulder, but an arrow then gouged past my arms, leaving a cut and that left me tripping and screeching in anguish. Screw it! Are they going to kill me now?—Or what? "You would dare to harm her highness?!" one of them uttered before they charged closer to me. As soon as they came near, I simply gritted my teeth in annoyance. These guards consistently left me nothing to choose. As far as I hated harming anyone, these guards were asking over the demise of themselves. "vincula rosarum obscurum..." I whispered as thorns began to interfere with their way while imprisoning them, now felines are in their rightful cage, fuck you all! I take a peak around and hear individuals squeal, yet I disregard their reaction as I prevent my own blood passing into my arms and take off. Right now, It seems I have already made quiet a scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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