Chapter 4: the thief and her savior

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"the thief and her savior"


nefertari's pov

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nefertari's pov...

"H-how did you find me?" I whispered as I shuddered in dread and panic. I clenched my fist, nervously preparing to defend myself in case they approach. "How do we find you? You can speak to the general about that, your imperial majesty." I furrowed my forehead as the guard stepped aside, and an imposing man with brownish hair in armor appeared.

this lad-no, the general...

He didn't say anything other than with a stern expression, as if he weren't astonished when he saw me: "C-Claude?! You're the general?!" My childhood closest companion, who has been near and dear to me ever since. Someone whom I had thought I would never see again turns out to be my deceitful brother's general in addition to the new general of our empire?! "Oh yes, and by the way I also found some shredded fabric from your dress. Like usual, my intuition is accurate your highness, specially the conclusion of finding you here. I guess I noted it right that you really run in the general area of the Pillar's Forest."

your highness? but you always call me Neffy.

I started to tear up as I quickly hold his hand as I kneel. I hope he will spare me, I cannot return to the palace, I can't go back to Izana! To that living hell!

At that point, he avoided looking at me and continued to look straight ahead. "C-Claude, please help me...I-I do not wish to go back to the palace. Izana, H-he wanted to push me into a marriage under duress with him, it is so disgraceful for my family's name and the previous empresses' honor, and I also am unaware of what he'll do to me if I oppose him. Worse, he could potentially kill me!" I beg. The guard at the rear shifted toward me and attempted to seize my arms, but I rapidly drove him away and bargained with Claude once more.

Claude, I thought you'll protect me?...forever? Just like what you said in the past? I still cherish my optimism that Claude will somehow save me. I've never had an acquaintance within the imperial palace since I was child until I met him. I began bawling vigorously, "Please Claude! Save me! Command the imperial guards not to take me back to the palace." I knew he wasn't going to let anything happen to me. "Claude, I still need to look for my mother! Please!" and he gazed at me. His face moved toward mine as he bent gradually in front of me. "Then attack me." he urged, leaving me disoriented. He subsequently muttered, "You can only get away from them and from me if you attack us with your sortilege, Nefertari." The sound of thunder rattled from the heavens as the rain began to fall, and I shuddered once I heard it.

"Sire! It's starting to rain, we have to escort the princess back to the palace immediately." The second guard stated, I just froze as I imagined how Claude would react. Is that the only solution he can give?

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