3. Hey stranger.

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Hey stranger, or may I call you my own.

I know I don't know you, but there's somewhere I've seen you before.

- Between us, Bradley Adams.




She would remember that day for a long, long time. She walked excited with a notebook in her hands, Scott by her side. She could feel the excitement running through her veins, the anxiety through her heart. She felt like she was walking through the hall on her first day of school. When was the last time she was that nervous?! Maybe when she released her first album. But how else could she react? Writing songs was her favorite thing to do, now, writing a song for one of the most important bands in the entire planet was something beyond her imagination.

She walked inside an office, the warm breeze that carried the smell of fresh coffee crashed with her face, it was different from Scott's office. It was way bigger and with tons of diplomas and awards all over the walls.

"Scott! Nice to see you!" Paul, walked to Scott and hugged him.

Scott smiled and greeted him back,Taylor looked at the office and felt like it was a whole new place for her.

"Hello!" Paul said and Taylor woke up from her inner trance, she smiled and hugged him.

"I bet you're excited to meet the boys!" Paul said.

"It'd be nice" She smiled and looked down.

Paul laughed and walked to the door of the office.

"Walk straight in that corridor, the door says number one. I bet they are there" He smiled and pointed the direction for her to walk.

"I'll be there in a second" He said. Taylor looked at Scott and smiled, she walked out of the office and walked down the corridor.

Maybe it was a dream? No it was not a dream, it felt so real, she could tell because she could die of a heart attack, but everything was so big in that building and too nice and it smelled like expensive cologne and hot coffee all over the pla- Was that a guitar? A sound popped out of nowhere making Taylor stop her tracks to listen to the music that came from a different room.



"Just call me if ever our paths may collide

I want you to call me under these darkened sky's

Whoever you love, whoever you kiss

The wandering between us I'm willing to miss"

His voice was hypnotizing, enchanting and magnetic.

She had never listened to such vocals in her life, or a raspy deep voice such as that one. She couldn't help but crawl to see who was the owner of the voice, luckily, the door was cracked open, he kept singing.

"Now I'm drifting out over deep oceans

And the tide won't take me back in

And these desperate nights I'll call you again and again"

He hadn't noticed her presence as she rested her back on the door behind her, she clung onto her notebook and crossed her arms, her golden curls fell on a perfect cascade right by her right shoulder leaving her left one free to see.

He was sitting on a couch looking at his guitar while he played, she tried to look at his face but a shiny curly hair covered it from her.
She sighed, and that's when he realized she was there.

He looked up to see her. Pretty, innocent, pure. The tall curly girl with a floral red skirt, black tights , blouse and boots covered her mouth with her hand.

"Oh, sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt" She said.

He just shook his head.

"Don't worry" He said looking at her confused. "Who are you?" Harry stood up and slowly walked to her.

"My name is Taylor" if she was tall, there was another word for him. She smiled and extended her hand.

"Harry" He gave her a smile as they gave each other a hand shake.

"I know..." She said, her face turned red as she realized how weird was that.

"How is that?" He asked looking straight into her eyes with a sweet smile.

"I'll be writing a song for your band..." She smiled and looked at him.

"Oh" He said and took a step back like if he was standing on hot and burning lava.

"What is it? " She asked worried as she looked at him. He looked down and shook his head. "Sorry" He said "It was nothing, I thought I stepped on something" He said and in a second, he looked up with a smile on his face.

"So, you're writing a song for us... I hope you are as talented as they say you are" He smiled and rubbed her shoulder.

"Let me take you to meet the others" He smiled and opened the door for her.

"Thank you!" She said and walked out of the room. He turned around to close the door, he sighed and closed his eyes.

There was work to do.


They got into a room and four guys were having a beer while they listened to some music, they noticed Harry and Taylor walk in and smiled.

"Who's her?" A blonde one asked with a big smile on his face.

"I'm Taylor" She said and introduced herself like she did with Harry.

She learned the names of the four guys in quite a record time, she would never expect them to be such as cool as they were.

She was laughing with Niall when Paul and Scott came in.

"I'm glad you're having a good time!" Paul said looking at them.
"But it's time to work..." Taylor walked next to Scott and smiled at him, he just rubbed her arm.

Taylor opened her notebook and began writing the ideas for the song, Zayn and Liam walked to her and helped her while Louis and Niall played some video games, Harry just sat there looking at her. He watched every of her movements since they arrived to the room. It would be easy, she would fall in love with him in less than a second.

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