Chapter Two

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Lances pov
Keith had me wrapped in his arms, I was sobbing into his shoulder. What was wrong with me. Why was I opening up to him all of a sudden? "Why was the door locked?" Keith asked looking at me in the eye.

I just stood there, I didn't want to scare him, I didn't want him to be even more concerned than he already was. "Lance... please don't tell me what I think it is." Keith had concern lacing his voice, you can see the fear all over his face. I just stood there, I was scared he was going to find out. "Lance roll up your sleeves.." Keith said with a stern voice.

My eyes went wide, "What? No! There's nothing wrong." I tried to reassure the boy in front of me. He grabbed my arm and rolled up the sleeves. I hissed in pain as the fabric rubbed against the new cuts. Keith's eyes went wide. "Lance... you don't need to do this. You don't deserve to do this to yourself." Keith felt broken. He was fearing what he thought was going to happen. I was staring at him. Tears slowly gliding down my face. I rolled down my sleeve and sat down on my bed. "I'm sorry.." I mumbled out. I didn't want to loose a good friend. I didn't want to loose someone that was so nice to me. That never let me down. He walked over to me. "You need to get some rest." Keith says as he was about to leave the room.

"Please stay..." I say quietly I was scared to be left alone in my thoughts. He smiled at me and came and lied down next to me. I shifted over and cuddled into his chest. I could hear his faint heartbeat. I knew at this moment, the reason why I missed him so much. The reason why I started crying when he got back. I loved him. I was in love with my best friend. Why? Why was I in love with him. Why did this feeling come all of a sudden? What was wrong with me? I was always told by my Padre that being gay was a sin. I can't be gay.. Papa would kill me.

I let a tear stream down my face, it landed on the black t-shirt that Keith was wearing. Luckily for me, mullet was asleep. Not daring to ask anymore questions, not daring to bring my anxiety levels up. Which sent me a gust of relief.

That's when another question farted into my head, Why did he care so much? Why was he trying to care for me? Wasn't I just the so called 'fuck up' on this team. Wouldn't he notice it to? And why all of sudden did he stop hating me? Didn't he leave because of me?

All types of questions normally kept me up at night. Always leaving me with bags under my eyes in the morning. Thank god for makeup. I always end up covering them up with Concealer, just so no one would find out. Find out the true me.

After the thoughts and question exited my head, my mind became relaxed and soon let the comforts of slumber take over my body. Leaving my cuddled up to Keith.

I woke up to the loud sirens in the room. "Paladins we are under attack by the Galar! Quickly suit up and make your ways to your lions!" I could hear Aluras booming voice on the intercoms. I shot up, Keith getting up with me. We both quickly suited up and made our ways to our lions.

I got in blue, and rushed out with the team to battle. The Garla were everywhere. "Lance cover me!!" I heard Pidge tell. I quickly made my over to her with my lion. Shooting whatever came my way. That was until I got hit the lion went flying backwards hitting The green lion which Pidge was in. "Come on Lance!! Can't you do anything right?!" I heard the green Paladin yell at me. Which ended up breaking apart my little heart piece my piece. Though no one told Pidge to just keep to herself to not say that. It was like they Were all silently agreeing.

That's when the Garla started to retreat back to there ship. Leaving us to enter back into the castle. I swiftly got out of Blue, taking off my gear, trying my best to avoid everyone. But looks like life has never been on my side. I quickly being yelled at by Shiro and Pidge for fucking up again. "Can't you just try to do something right Lance?" Shiro yelled trying to make sure I heard him clearly. "Next time watch what your doing and stop focusing on yourself." Pidge screamer at me. Focusing on yourself? I already hated myself enough, hate how I looked, how I talked, even how I breathed. I hated it all. That's all I focus on. How I can never seem to be perfect.

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