Chapter Four

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Lances pov

I was walking back to my room, I was exhausted and I knew that when I go to my room and see Keith there he will get all concerned. I had to cool myself off first, make it to where you couldn't see that I was exhausted. So I slowly slid down onto the ground in the hall, trying to catch my breath and clear the sweat that was beading down my face.

It didn't take long for the beads of sweat to stop falling and clear up on my face. I got up and walked into my room. I saw Keith laying on the bed, clearly waiting for my arrival. he quickly looked up in my direction. "You took a long time training." He said with a concerned look on his face. Though I couldn't blame him if I were to find my friend the way I am, I would want to do anything in my power to make sure that they wouldn't harm themselves or wear themselves out.

I sit down on the bed and lay down on my back, "I didn't mean to be gone for long, you could have always come and trained with me." I let out a small chuckle, though I am kinda glad he didn't. Sometimes all you need is space. "why do you care so much, about my well-being?" I still couldn't wrap my head around the thought of people even giving me attention let alone care about me. It just didn't seem right. Aren't there better people to care about other than me?

Keith sat up and let out a scoff, "You're serious? Come on Lance, we've already discussed this. I care because you're a friend and that's what friends do." I couldn't help but let a soft smile come to my face. People haven't really cared about me. I don't blame them, I haven't really had people like that in my life. I took in a deep breath, "Yea but just because you're my friend doesn't mean that you have to care for me." I couldn't help but feel like I couldn't be cared for. It just didn't seem right, to have that privilege.

"Lance, just stop degrading yourself. stop thinking that you can't be loved or cared for." Kieth said trying his best to make me believe the things that he does. I mean you can't blame a man for trying. Even if it probably won't work. Then he brought up love, who said anything about love, plus who would love a sad sack like me. I mean what even is there to love? I couldn't find a thing that was lovable about myself.

"Who said anything about love?" I say rather quietly so that he could barely hear it. That's when I could clearly see that his face heat up red. "That's not what I meant! I didn't mean that I had feelings for someone- I just meant- Er-" He couldn't get words out he was just flustered. His face going a deeper shade of red the more that he talked. "I mean I do have feelings for someone- er- I mean, not like any of that is your business." Keith finished. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. I loved how Keith couldn't get the words out of his mouth. It just made my day to see him all flustered. He started to laugh as well, which sent butterflies into my stomach. My face started to heat up just like Keith. The sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine. No, I need to stop thinking about Keith that way.

"So who's this person that you like," I say trying to get the thought of Keith out of my head. He turns towards me and his face heats up again. 'Uh... Well... I mean.." he wasn't giving me an answer. "Oh come on Keith! You can tell your pal, Lance." I let out a chuckle. "Well, it would ruin our friendship, and I don't want to do that." He says rather quickly. "come on man, how can a little crush ruin our friendship," I say letting out a giggle. "When that 'crush' is you." his voice was soft and quiet like he was scared of what I might think. He looks over at me, his face was fool f fear, but what was relieved to get it off of his chest. I didn't say anything I was at a loss for words. "Ever since I left for Blade I realized how much I needed you, how much you kept me balanced and at ease, you made me feel whole. Then once I came back I learned that it wasn't a need it was love that I was feeling. Every time I was around you It felt like I was able to be myself, be who I needed to be, you made all my worries go away, but then I saw how broken you really were. It broke me, it felt like I was losing a piece of myself every time I saw what you were doing to your body. I guess that's when I really realized, 'yea this is the man that I love.' I knew I didn't know what I would do without you." Keith looked away from me, scared of what I would say, scared of my reaction towards his feelings towards me.

I didn't know what to say, I was scared not of his feelings, but of what I might say. Of what I might do, but I guess I did what any sane person would do. I tilted his face towards me and placed my lips on his. Our lips moved in sync, they fit together like two puzzle pieces. Keith brought me onto his lap a deepening our kiss. He was straddling my waist, my arms around his neck. It felt perfect, it felt like a dream, but I knew I wasn't dreaming. How did I get someone like Keith to like me to even catch feelings for someone like me. I separated from the kiss, I looked at Keith straight in the eye, "ya know I love you too." I say while putting a smile on my face.

This was the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.


Sorry I haven't uploaded it in like 4 months. I didn't mean to leave the story off where it did. So here's a very interesting chapter to bring back to you guys! I know all of my Klance supporters loved it! Though I know I kinda jumped into the ship I didn't know what else would make it interesting so here this was. I didn't want to bring in more depressing shit, so I put a little love into it. Cause I know sometimes you need a break from all the depressing things in your lives and focus on a good book. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it was very short.

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