Chapter Three

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Lances pov

I was sitting down in my room. The metal door shinning giving off the reflection of the room. Everything sitting and having a perfect spot giving the room its unique taste. Everything felt like it belonged where it was. It was something that was unique to me. Something that shows it belongs to me.

I was staring down at the ground, feeling how empty my stomach was from not eating as much as I would have liked. Feeling that nothing was right. Thats when I heard the metal  door slide open. Hearing the footsteps coming closer and closer to me. They sat down on the ground beside me. The presence was very calm and it made the anxiety that was once in my body fade away. I turn towards the person sitting next to me. Of course it was Keith, he was always here, no matter what his situation was. He'd always be here and thats what got me to love him.

He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes, like he felt bad for the situation that I was in, with the people that I call my friends. It felt like out of everyone that was in this Castle he was the only one that actually truly cared what I was going through. We've been through our ups and downs and we may have never saw eye to eye, but he was there. Not at the begging but he is now. Unlike the rest of the people on the ship. Who are always yelling at me and telling me how horrible of a job I'm doing.

I looked at Keith and gave him a small smile even though we both knew that it wasn't real. I layed my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me to bring us in together. This is what I needed someone that cared. Someone that I didn't have to talk to and would just sit there and comfort me and not make fun of me for the shit going on in my life. "Why do you care so much?" I ask out of curiosity, I know I have already had the question answered once, but I could only feel like he was lying.

Keith looked at me like I was insane and confused because he knew that he's already answered this question, "well because you are amazing and awesome and strong, and no matter what someone is going through your always there." Keith put a large smile on his face as he thought about me.

I look at him then back at the hands that lay in my lap, "I don't see what you see." I say sadly.

Keith turns towards me a sad look on his face, "Why? It's very clear you are these things. But for some reason you don't believe these things."

I chuckle at him, "well maybe because I've never been called these things. My family wasn't really there although I was there for them. At the Garrison I was always being made fun of and here all I do is get yelled at. So I guess no one had the time to compliment me." I give a sly smile. I got up and walked to the door. "I'm gonna go train." I said plainly.

Keith's pov

I watched as Lance walked out of the room. He looked so sad and broken and that no one was going to fix him. It was kind of heartbreaking to see. To see that the one person that you love is slowly break themselves apart. I wish I could just look him in the eye and make him see that he is the most amazing person in existence. But someone who is broken and is as broken as Lance it's gonna take time for him to see that and all I need to do is boost him up and be there for him through everything.

I got up off the shinny floor and walked over to the metal door that separated Lances room from the halls that wind down every corridor of this place.

I walked around trying to find Coran, because I knew that he was one of the only people on the ship that cared about Lance and knew about the things that were going on while I was gone.

I walked into the den where our lions were to see Coran in there checking and making sure our lions were working to make sure they were up to date.

"Hey Coran can we talk?" I ask the red head as I walked up to him.

"Oh yes, what is it Keith?" He said with the smile that was always plastered on his face.

"Well it's about Lance." I say kind of sadly. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Well he's kind of depressed. I've caught him having anxiety attacks, he doesn't eat his food, and I found him in the Mits of him cutting himself." I looked at him, I was heartbroken. He could tell. He was the one person I would always go to with my problems, it was either him or Shiro, so he could tell and and sense what I was feeling.

Coran froze, it was like he was scared and sad for the poor boy. "What?" Coran asked softly. The the question was rhetorical. "Lance is harming himself?" Why was that his only question? Did he know about him not eating?

I looked at him confused, "did you know he didn't eat?" I ask trying my best not to get upset.

"Well yea. I saw that he was slowly not eating as much. So I took him aside when no one was around and I would try to get him to eat. Telling him that he needed to or he would end up dying. He never listened. It was like he wanted to die, but he wanted it to happen slowly so he could feel the pain." Coran said truthfully. It kind of made sense that he would want to do that. It's like that all he wanted to was harm himself.

I took in a deep breath, "well thank you for taking care of him while I was gone. But I want to know. Do you have any idea of how I could help him?" All I want to do now was help him. It was now my swore mission to fix the now broken boy.

Coran had a small smile on his face, happy that someone wanted to save the small little boy. "Well I would say just be there for him. Keep a close eye on him. Take away anything sharp. Get him yo eat. Just make sure he doesn't destroy himself completely."

"Thank you" I said with a smile on my face. I walked out of the room and walked back to Lances waiting for the brunette to come back from training.


I know I've haven't uploaded in a fat minute but here's your new chapter this book is going to get more interesting. Let's see if Lance will ever become himself again.

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