Song for this chapter is
Chelou- halfway to no wayBasketball a sport to outsiders
Basketball a war zone for the supreme to the coaches
Basketball a exciting opportunity to be rich and popular for the players
Basketball the home of my true happiness, the home of who I really am. It was the only thing I haven't lost.Basketball has been in my life for as long as I remember from crawling I was throwing it around to walking I'm shooting it in hoops. it was my best friend and now I realised it was my only best friend from 1st grade to now never leaving my side it comforted me in sad times it cheered me on in good times and laugh at me in uncomfortable.
My dad also loved basketball as well it was the thing that bonded our relationship. We communicate in bouncing basketballs and scores. My mother never understood it and thought we were obsessed fans for a bunch of men in shorts bouncing a fucking ball but it was more than that to us.
It meant so much that while my dad was fighting for his life in the hospital, the state championships was still going on and my team finally got selected to compete he told me to go play the state championships he'll be fine win big for him. Mom and I protested but he shut us up with this is his dying wish.
So I went to play the state championships while I played my dads lungs collapse and he died.
It left me in a misery of emotions for a while but I understood it now he wanted me to be distracted from the reality of him because distraction makes the band aid easier to rip off."Bounce stump, stump, airs up away in hoop walker got the point for his team"
"Good job walker" coach yelled
Happiness flowed in my face but I made sure it didn't fuck up my concentration as I swiped the ball from my opponent.
The crowd of just raven and her cheer squad Motivated us with chanting phrases.
In the end we played a good game 14-0.
Coach congratulated us with chest bumps, high fives and dinner at Bobby's dinner.Everyone got ready for dinner except for me because I have no desire to catch up with my teammates especially when Tristan stood at the center of them packing up his stuff to go.
I'm surprised I didn't let the current events in my life distract me in this game but then again when it comes to me and basketball no one can come between us we are in an inclusive relationship that no one can break apart.As I packed my things, a sharp tap landed on my shoulder. I turned around and my eyes gasped at who it was.
"You think you could avoid me walker" Tristan smirked.
"What-t do you want" I stuttered with shock laced in my voice
He laughed at my stutter
"Isn't it obvious we need to talk"
"I don't have anything to say to you"
"Well I have something to say to you so listen"
I grabbed my things and proceeded to walk away but his strong arms grabbed me stopping me from walking any further.
"You're gonna fucking listen walker,you have to"
"I don't have to listen to shit you say"
He flashed his convining smirk
"Shes dead wal-"
"Are you fucking kidding me" every time he opened his mouth I got angrier. At first I swallowed my retort and just listen but it only made it worse as my handset began to form a fist.
"I don't give a shit if she's dead that's not my problem and you know it"
"But it is walker, you know what I know so keep that mouth shut,you're just a freak walker and you know what this town does to freaks"
I felt the tension and hear the intensity in his tone there's a great deal of emotion behind these words he spoke.
But I couldn't control my anger anymore, his last sentence replayed as my fist greeted his face striking him to the floor. He got up with a devil look in his eyes.
There was stillness on both sides. If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlet. The suddenly movement, so much force in every blow. I rained blows on him as if I was meant to smash him into the very earth. He did the same but i was winning.
We didn't want each other dead we just wanted to smash obliterated, nothing left to bury.We have now drawn a huge crowd with shock faces as they watched two best friends thick as thieves kill each other on the basketball court. Raven screamed as I drew blood from Tristan pretty little face I was unhinged I snapped and I didn't care.
Eventually our teammates broke us up pulling me away to one side and him to other.
Raven rushed to her man side and then to mine
"WALKER WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" She screamed at me as she tried launched herself onto to me only to be restricted by the teammate.
Tristan roared, trying to break free from the teammates hold trying to start round two.
But the teammates who held me back pulled me out of the gym.
The fight between Tristan and I has been a chereographed dance of destruction for so long, testing us where we need to heal. The time has come for new moves. The time as come to use empathy instead of an armoury. It's time to let folks to say the truths that have tortured them so that a new and better future can change.
And it was time for me to seriously prepare for 10.5.17.Do you guys like it and I know I said it was short.
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100 Days Before I Die
Mystery / Thriller"My name is Adrian walker and i need to fucking die" After witnessing a traumatizing event and blackmailed from receiving closure. Ravenwood's Adrian Walker once a popular jock is now abandoned by the love of his life and friends. Shattered from...