"Seriously, you're hurting me, LET GO!" She screamed
but he didn't let go.
Smirking at her attempts to free herself from his muscular grip.
"I'm never letting you go now" He slurred in her ear pressing his lips against her neck.
I've never seen such desperation in someone's eyes before.He reeked the harsh scent of Alcohol. His eyes told everyone that drugs were present in his veins. He straight up looked like the poster boy for heroin addiction. With his legs struggled to keep his body-weight up but his hands was like hulk around her waist.
She looked at him, the fear in her face turned into a cunning smirk pulling his face closer to hers until there was no space between them. i could feel his excitement as their lips greeted each other only for a second before she pulled away. Her hand contacted with his face striking him to the floor.
He held his face in agony as she laughed, picking up a drink sipping it victoriously
"Oh Tristan,always was a loser to me, grow some balls and then we'll talk"
It was a rarity for Raven-wood High to hold a memorial for their students then again their students hardly die.
Majority of the Student Body made their way to the auditorium. They were all decorated in black,armed with their umbrellas which protected them from the grueling rain and idling in gossip until the service commence. Slow music filled the Auditorium triggering the emotions of everyone, even the ones who wore a brave face had to take it off and weep along to the song.
"I wonder if my memorial would be like this"
"Memorial,What Memorial? They'll just piss on your grave and call that a day.
i on the other-hand reeked of anxiety. my hands perspired tears. Tension grew in my face and limbs as i got closer to the Auditorium. The thoughts are accelerating inside my head. My breath comes in gasps and i feel like i will black out. As the room spun around but i somehow managed to make it to my seat in the back where i could be unseen. Guilt never felt so present in me, I didn't even want to here but my mother forced me to. She said grief is a process that no one teaches you how to go through but that doesn't mean you cant do it in a health way.
"if she only knew"
I shouldn't even feel guilty, I didn't murder her , we had the same friend group but we weren't close but i knew what happened to her and that's all I'm allowed to say.
"Good Morning,Everyone" a loud voice boomed from the stage, silencing little conversations between the students. The voice which belonged to our Principal, Mr. Goodwill continued;
"Good Morning Everyone, I am Principal Goodwill and I am here to lead the memorial service for our beloved student Alex Blac. Alex Blac was a gifted student who was destined for great things. Her death has shocked us all as we realised Raven-wood has been robbed of a shinning star. She was the smartest student in Raven-wood High,receiving distinguishes every year. She earned a GPA of 4.5 which is the highest in the South Carolina school district. Aside from her intelligence she was kind soul, friendly to every social status and lived for helping others. With that said, I would like to welcome some people who can testify just how good of a person Alex was, Please Welcome to the stage Raven Green, Tyler Stuart and Tristan Swan.
"You got to be fucking kidding me"
Suddenly this memorial turned into a complete Papi show starring the hottest actors of Tristan Raven and Tyler. Raven stole the show with her river of tears, loss for words.She even dressed for the role she played the mourning best friend . When she knew damn well Alex's death was like a victory for her she as never a real friend to her;bad talked her when she wasn't around. She only kept her around to make sure she didn't ranked higher than her in popularity; she was envious of her.
I mean who wouldn't be, the bitch was perfect.
then came the block-star, Tristan swan. Walking confidently to the stage holding a paper of his pre-calculated speech that i am 100% sure Raven wrote for him. I searched his face for any guilt or remorse but none was detected but the breakage in his voice made you believe he had.
so fucking ridiculous
During his speech our eyes met each other and this was the first sign acknowledgement we had for each other since that night. As his voice spoke to the audience i felt his eyes trying to speak to me but i didn't wanna hear it so i turned my eyes to another direction. The only authentic person was Tyler, He spoke from the heart because they actually had a real friendship.
I gotta admit though it was weird seeing them up. They were missing someone,they were missing me. And they knew this but they continued to pretend that was my existence was obsolete and soon it will be.
After her parents were introduced to the stage and they gave a heartfelt speech about their daughter which moved everyone to tears.
I caught a glimpse of Raven and Tristan backstage who was in an intense session of sucking face.
Worlds happiest couple, Worlds fakest couple.
The reality was their relationship was staged just like their speech. Yea they had love but the love was only real on one side ravens side. Tristan could care less for her he only tolerated her for the sake of the his parents mission.
Raven belonged to the Green family who were at the top of the social status with her dad as town mayor he ruled this town with an iron fist while she ruled the school with her conniving ways . In Raven-wood social status meant everything . if you weren't at the top consider yourself screwed at the bottom. The Swans, who is second of the social status is power hungry for the Green's spot. Desperate for a reason to overthrow the Greens; they hired their son Tristan aka biggest of crush of raven green to pretend he was madly in-love with her so they can dig deeper into their family looking for anything to overthrow.
it sounds fucked up and it is but whats more fucked up is the fact Tristan managed to keep this up for 2 years now without giving raven any signs that his feelings weren't even genuine.
he whispered something causing her to silently giggle but i wonder if she would giggle if she knew who his heart really belonged to.
so hi guys i wasn't gonna update today so the chapter is kind of short because i wanted to reach 110 but 94 is being stubborn anyway thank you guys though for the support you given this book i didn't expect you guys to like it. I thought it was gonna be bullshit. Comment below and tell me what you think about the characters so far and what you think of Alex like why is she is so mysterious tehehe. also what you think of the flashback. (its related to the night that started it all)who is this mysterious girl? Comment alllllllllllllllllll your thoughts below.
Also i hope you guys don't think it was random of me to include the origin of Tristan and raven relationship because its not i promise you it would make sense in the later chapter so stay tuned for that.
okay bye

100 Days Before I Die
Mystère / Thriller"My name is Adrian walker and i need to fucking die" After witnessing a traumatizing event and blackmailed from receiving closure. Ravenwood's Adrian Walker once a popular jock is now abandoned by the love of his life and friends. Shattered from...