𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 [ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ]

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The sky was illuminated with amber and rosy shades coming from the sunset. He looked up, trying to catch the last glimpse of the sun before the moon took over, letting the other rest. The rooftop was calm and lonely. The flowers planted had died long ago, making the place seem even sadder.

Jungkook went there when he wanted to calm down and think. The serene place brought back incredible memories of the time when he had no worries. Now, he was close to alone. Except for one person, Kim Taehyung. The man he had always been able to rely on, and vice versa.

He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the city. Though the honking of the cars was still a little audible, he found comfort in those sounds. Letting the breath out slowly, he turned around, only to bump into a broad chest. Before he could fall, familiar arms wrapped around his waist, turning him back to the view.

Now, the buildings had started to light up, casting a new view of the city. The stars had taken over, along with the moon as their leader. All were shining brightly and proudly. The frown that was etched on his face was replaced with a little exhale of his nose and a small but visible smile. He felt a chin on his left shoulder, and hands caressing his waist.

Jungkook's breathing, which was once sped up out of shock synchronized itself with the other's, calming him down. The homely touch made his nerves calm, forgetting his worries momentarily.

"You know what you remind me of?" The younger asked, breaking the comfortable silence. He received a questioning hum from the elder, which caused him to continue. "A drug."

"I don't know if that's a compliment or supposed to offend me, love," Taehyung commented, his voice deep from sleep.

"Some drugs are addictive. The first use can be the cause of a neverending craving for it. Not all are bad some of them are medicinal and can save someone. I think you have that effect on me. Our first kiss was when my obsession started, and now I never want to let go. You saved me, and you continue to do so every time we see each other. The littlest contact can calm me down and rid me of everything bad," Jungkook said, honesty dripping from his tone and a serious looked plastered on his face.

"Aw, you're so fucking adorable, marry me," Taehyung squealed, making the younger roll his eyes at his foolishness, raising his hand and showing the beautiful ring. "In all seriousness, you mean everything to me. I would never be able to survive if I let go of you, so prepare to be with me for a lifetime, darling."

Without a response, Jungkook wiggled himself out of the older's grip and turned around. He cupped Taehyung's face and softly pressed their lips together. It was a mixture of their love and yearning for the other. It was sweet and lovely, as Jimin called it.

Suddenly, flashbacks of all their time together rushed in front of both their eyes, clouding their mind with the thought of each other. Both smiled into the kiss, breaking it apart happily.

"I love you more than you will ever believe, you're my eternity."

(A/N: this was supposed to be based on stray kids' my pace but then turned into whatever this shit is. hope you guys enjoyed, just wanted to share that for some reason.)

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