Forgiveness Part 1

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"Why are you crying?" Gavin asked. I could tell he didn't give a shit. "Why do you care?" I said through muffled sobs. "I don't." I kicked him. My mom walked past us rolling a suitcase to the car and that's when I noticed the boxes. "Are we moving?" I asked. "You eventually. Right now, me and mom you have to stay here with dad until the court finalizes the divorce papers." I felt as though my world was ending. "Dad hates me." I whispered. "Your dad doesn't hate you Sapphire, it's only for a couple months and then we will be one happy family again." my mom said grabbing the boxes. "I'm sick of this family. It's killing me." I said. "Whatever have fun baby sister." Gavin said sticking his tounge out before he left. I ran to the window and flicked him off while they drove away. Great, just great. I had no family, no friends, no Luke. Later that night dinner was silent. I went to eat the spagethi in front of me but instantly set the fork down. I left the silent dining room. Once isolated in my room I turned on my t.v. "And in recent music news these boys are the biggest boyband around 5 Seconds of Summer is working their way up in the music scene." I looked at the t.v I saw my friends. Ashton,Michael,and Calum. Most importantly Luke. I felt warm tears roll down my cheeks. "I'm sorry I loved you too much." I whispered to the t.v. That night I fell asleep listening to their album. Isn't it amazing how in one moment you can be the happiest you can be then its taken away from you so fast! I wake up to pounding at my door. "Sapphire!" Ugh just my dad. I open the door and he stumbles in. "Are you drunk?" I ask. He just grabs a family photo. "I'm sorry." he says breaking down. "I just wish you didn't hate me." I hugged him, "Dad I could never hate you." He hugged me tighter, "Listen Gem I know you think I forgot your birthday after I cheated but I didn't and to prove it to you." he handed me two packages. I opened the small one first, inside was a necklace with a pendant, "It's a sapphire." I smiled at how cheesy it was. In the second package was a family photo, some clothes, and a charm braclet. "You remembered." I whispered. "Of course I remembered Gem." he sayed. I asked for a charm braclet every year and no one ever got me one. Now here in this package was what I wanted for 6 years. I put it on and looked at the charms. A paintbrush, some headphones, a book, and a heart with a band-aid on it. "I want to fix this family if you'll let me." he says. I hug him, "I love you dad." "Now Gem why aren't you out with that boy?" "We got in a fight." He looked at me. "Gem, learn from my mistakes and make up with him." I nodded, he was right Luke was just trying to protect me. I hugged my dad one last time and headed towards the front door.

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