6- Pre-Game Snog.

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The next day, Teddy woke up to the sound of soft breathing beside him.

Ginny and Harry has taken Quinn's bed for the night so Quinn stayed in his room. To the two adults this would have seemed normal, but since Teddy had revealed his and Quinn's 'progress' in their relationship, Harry was rather hesitant to allow them to share a room alone. But eventually he came round to it.

Teddy had woke at around 7:30 knowing Quinn would sleep for at least another half an hour so he just lay quietly beside her, watching her face softly scrunch up as her auburn hair fell in her tanned face.

He reached forward moving a strand gently behind her ear. In her sleeping state, Quinn unconsciously moved closer to Teddy, burying her face in his shoulder and moving her arm around his abdomen.

She had trapped Teddy's arm under her head and so he was now stuck hold her as her soft hair fell on his chest, leaving him immersed in the beautiful sent of her lavender shampoo.

Snuggling closer to Teddy, Quinn's sleeping face relaxed feeling warm and tranquil. Teddy subconsciously lifted some on her curls between his finger tips and began playing with them.

Eventually Quinn's eyes began to flutter open and Teddy panicked, worried she would wake up and wonder why they were lying in their current position. He decided to pretend to sleep, until she woke up and hopefully be able to pretend to be oblivious.

Quinn's eyes opened, and she tried to move but noticed her head was no longer on Teddy's pillow, put in the crook of his neck. She breathed in, leaving a minute to revel in his sent and smiled at the feeling of laying in his warm arms, before she realised he must of still been asleep, peering up to see his eyes closed.

She took a split second chance and reached up kissing his cheek to wake him, then she hesitantly removes herself from his hold and gazed down to his 'awakening' face.

"hey." She whispered softly.
"Hey." He replied with a breathy sigh, opening his eyes and lifting his arms behind his head as he lay peering up at her as she kneed on the bed beside him looking down into his eyes.

"So....how did you sleep?" She asked breaking the tense atmosphere. "W...well...you?" He asked making her softly smile. "I slept fine thanks." Her head seemed surrounded in a halo as the sunlight leaking through his curtain pooled behind her head giving her an angelic glow in the auburn, morning light. Her soft hair had been returned to it's gorgeous red curls that fell in rings around her shoulders, framing her tanned and be-freckled face.

Her chocolate, brown eyes were warm and inviting in the early morning light and her long tanned legs and arms with her soft skin glowed in the minimal, sun light allowed by the curtain.

Quinn smiled at Teddy's sleepy expression as he deep blue eyes shined in early morning bliss and his blue, quaffed hair tinged slightly pink in his calm state. His chiseled face and chest were on display as he lay gazing up at her. She stared into his crystal eyes as she leaned down to once again kiss his forehead.

A sudden shot of bravery ran through Teddy's veins as he spoke with a smirk, "I think you missed." His smirking face looked up to her blushing one. She composed herself from giggling like a little school girl. "Oh yeah?" She sassed in return. "Yeah you see you kissed here when you should have kissed here." He grabbed her hand raising it to place her fingers first on his forehead then on his lips.

This time she released a giggle nodding and leaning forward, to tease him again. Kissing both of his cheeks in stead, "how silly of me. Better?" She asked rhetorically.

He shuck his head smirking even further. "Missed again."
"Well I guess I'm just to bad at this, you'll have to show me."

Teddy just grinned back up at her, sitting up to face her and gently placing his hand on the side of her face, his back now against the head board as she sat in front of him, she bed's yellow sheets kicked away from them.

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