35- They're 11, 13 and 15.

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"We should perform Arithmency on one of them." Suggested Mad Eye as the adults from the past stood around the table deliberating how to deal with the time travellers.

"Alister, they're children." Arthur argued from his place in his wheelchair beside his wife. "If they are who they say they are they need our help, not threats." Tonks pleaded with the other adults.

Meanwhile in the other room Remus and Sirius has taken guard of the new arrivals. They stood by the only exits while Teddy began to pace around the room.

"Your parents are going to kill us." Teddy has his hands in his hair as he paced the length of the room and back. Quinn watched silently as she pondered what they could say or do to prove their story true.

"Come on we'll be fine. Plus if anyone's getting killed it's Jamie." Louis tried to calm the blue haired man.

"Louis if you...or in fact, any of you, open your mouths again. I'm going to hex all four of you into oblivion."
"What are we gonna do Quinny?" Asked Lily as she nervously rubbed her red-ringed eyes.

"Awww Lily-pad don't worry we'll be fine." Mumbled Quinn pulling through girl into a small hug.

Sirius and Remus watched the exchange as Teddy finally stopped pacing. He faced the two past men. "What if I can tell you something only we would know?"
"Like what?" Asked Sirius.

"Ummm....I know you're a werewolf....um....I....I-." Quinn cut Teddy off, finally realising what would win over Sirius.

"You, James Potter and Peter Petigrew all became unregistered animagi in your fifth year at Hogwarts to help Remus with his transformations." Both of the men were taken aback. "How do you..-."

"What part of I'm from the future do you not understand?" She snapped.
"Who told you that?"
"My god father." Teddy answered as he and Quinn both stood their arms crossed over their chests in front of the children who all watched with bated breath.

"I want to talk to Dumbledore alone." Demanded Quinn with a stony glare. "Can you make that happen?"
"I can ask." Remus said with a slight nod to Sirius before he left the room.

He returned soon enough with The professor in tow. "I believe you care to speak with me alone. This I am open to but I must ask that you leave your wands here, for both of our safeties." Dumbledore spoke to the two young adults.

"Fair enough...." Quinn agreed then she turned to the two other men from the past, "neither of you will touch so much as a hair in any of their heads. In case it isn't obvious they're only 11, 13 and 15. They're harmless."

"Very well. Please follow me." Dumbledore led the two of them out of the room into the secluded hallway. "I firstly, must ask you both to properly identify yourselves."

"My name is Quinn Nymphadora Weasley. I was born on January 13th 1997 in Bulgaria. My parents are Charles Weasley and Evangelina Weasley or as you may know her Evangeline St Germaine." Quinn recited with a stony expression. "Thank you Miss Weasley. And you."

"Theodore Edward Remus Lupin, born April 4th 1997 in Surrey, England. My parents are Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks or as I know her Lupin." Teddy recited with a softer expression towards the man.

"I see. You say you traveled back to this time from your own. What year exactly?" Dumbledore asked them with a curious glint in his eyes. "We traveled from the year 2017." Teddy immediately answered.

"Well what was it you wanted to discuss with me?" He asked. "I know this is going to sound insane, but we know something nobody but you knows in this time, but in our time everyone in our family knows." Quinn explained.

Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP next gem)Where stories live. Discover now