4- Spook Fest.

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The school had settled back into normality, and it was finally Friday the 31st of October and the castle was abuzz with excitement for the Halloween party that was happening that evening. It was a costume party. Teddy had agreed to do a Joker and Harley Quinn costume with Quinn while Stacy and Dan were going as Boo and Sully from the muggle movie Monsters Inc. Being a muggle born, Jake had been raised around his three older brothers who were obsessed with Pokemon and he had managed to convince Adam to join him in a Pokemon themed cosplay after forcing him to binge the anime with him that summer.

For now it was nearing the end of lunch, Quinn and Stacy had collapsed into an exhausted heap in the Head's common room awaiting the arrival of the boys before their afternoon classes began, luckily the Gryphindors like Quinn, Stacy and Jake had only Potions to suffer through for the rest of the day and their Hufflepuff friends were free on a Friday afternoon.

The two had skipped out on food as they knew they had had a large breakfast and would be eating abundantly that evening.

They waited for the boys to come that lunch but they never showed until about 20 minutes before the bell would ring calling them to head to potions.

"Happy Spook fest!" Called an over joyed voice as four boys ran up the stairs of the Heads Common room and emerged into the small seating space. "Hey guys." Called Stacy making Quinn groan. "Uh they're back." She rolled her eyes making Stacy giggle. "Could you four have been any later." She snapped at them as Adam was the first up the stairs running to throw himself on top of Quinn crushing her on her arm chair.

"What was that Miss Weasley?" He laughed at her uncomfortable wriggling. "Get your fat arse off of me!" She yelled making him laugh.

She writhed bellow him, "Ad! Stop you'll kill her!" Yelled Stacy. The other boys arrived at the top of the stairs Teddy and Daniel stood back and watched the chaos that ensued while Jake ran forward and pulled Adam up off of Quinn. "You two are so immature it hurts." Jake chastised them.

Quinn just sent him a middle finger. He faked a gasp and held Adam against him. Adam laughed sticking his tongue out at Quinn. "What did you call my boyfriend's arse." Jake gasped again. "Fat Jacob. Your boyfriend has a fat arse."

"Lupin control your woman." Hollered Jake making Teddy flush and Quinn growl under her breath. "Watch it Trent." She snapped.

"Where have you idiots been?" Asked Stacy standing up to grab her cloak off the back of one of the vacant arm chairs. "Here and there." Daniel answered vaguely.

"And by that he means those two have been gouging themselves in the great hall."
"You four ditched us for food!" Snapped Stacy. "Maybe." Jake winced.

"Anyway. We have potions in like 20 minutes so you need to go grab your books." Quinn pointed at Jake. He groaned "can't we just ditch?"

"Jacob." Warned Adam glaring at his lazy boyfriend. "Common Ad please?"
"Nope now go get your shit from your common room, you two better go with him, he might get 'distracted' again." Adam commanded his friends and boyfriend.

Quinn faked a salute pushing Jake to walk ahead of her, but not before he could pull Adam into a quick 'kiss' (snog - if you asked the others) goodbye.

"Later losers." Stacy called pulling Quinn's arm who quickly grabbed her book bag and cloak. "See you guys later." She called out before Stacy dragged her towards the stairs, on her way out she gave Dan a quick hug who ruffled her hair in a brotherly fashion and Teddy received a kiss on the cheek before she followed Stacy and Jake out of the room.

Once they were gone Daniel huffed and collapsed into an arm chair. "What is it with you and the girls and being perfectly on time?" He asked Adam the other two. Adam shrugged, "I don't worry about being late I just know Jake would never go unless he was forced, god bless him when he has to do his NEWTS I mean you two didn't see his apparition test he nearly passed." He huffed making Teddy chuckle: "I can imagine, Quinn made it look so damn easy."
"When does Quinn not make things look easy- er and Stace are so good at everything, then we say one wrong thing and they blow up, what is that with girls?" Adam said as he stared wide eyed at the back of Teddy's head, and Teddy, who was oblivious to his stare, chuckled, "I dunno mate but if you crack the code please let me know."

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