46- Gorgeous.

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"Well hello ladies. What can I do for you all today?" Asked a kindly woman from behind the desk of the fifth boutique they had been in that day.

"Hi, we have an appointment under the name Wood." Stacy took her role as Maid of Honour very seriously, having booked every appointment for Quinn. "Ah....yes here you are. So which of one you lovely ladies is our bride?" Asked the woman.

"That would be me." Quinn took a sheepish step forward as Vic excitedly pushed her ahead of the group.

"Ah lovely. Well I'm Monica. I'll be doing your ladies' session and seen as your our last of the day. We have all the time in the world. What's your name my love?" Monica was an older woman with a slight Irish accent and a kindly ageing face.

"Quinn." The bride to be introduced herself. "And who is it you have with you today my lovely?"
"Well Stace is my maid of honour and that's Laurie one of my best friends. Then there's Vic, Dom, Rox, Molly and Lucy who are all brides maids. Then there's my flower girls Lily and Rosie." Quinn pointed at all the girls.

"So eleven dresses?" Quinn nodded. "Wonderful. Just follow Grace over there and we'll take you through." Monica pointed to another woman who emerged from round the corner.

"You must be the mums." Monica said to Morgan and Ginny who both nodded hesitantly as they followed the excited gaggle of girls. "It's exciting isn't it. Really scary though." The woman kept talking to the two older women who nodded along as Grace led the group further into the shop and into a private viewing area.

"So do we want to start with bridesmaids or bride?" Asked the woman. "How about we begin with you two lovelies." Monica held her hands out for Rose and Lily who both eagerly nodded.

Monica took the two girls hands and led the fourteen year old and twelve year old into a back room where they both soon emerged from, wearing pink robes that read 'FLOWER GIRL' in big red letters across the backs.

"What colours are we looking for?" Asked Monica looking to Quinn who now sat with her own glass of champagne that read 'BRIDE' in her own robe that matched. "Beige or pink." Answered the brunette.

"Wonderful. I'll collect some options." Monica and grace disappeared around the corner and soon returned with a few dresses in her arms.

Eventually the women decided on two pinkish dresses for the girls. Lily has said she felt like a fairy tale princess as she stood in the beautiful fabric and Rose just couldn't stop smiling.

The dresses were elegant with small diamond detail around the bust and small flowers on the shoulders

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The dresses were elegant with small diamond detail around the bust and small flowers on the shoulders.

"Well while Grace measures the two girls and does their pinning we can move on to the bridesmaids." Said Monica as Rose and Lily went off with Grace and Ginny, holding up the dress so they wouldn't trip over.

The girls began to try on the option dresses and soon the group came to a decision.

They chose eight identical dresses

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They chose eight identical dresses. They were beige with a waved v neckline and a left leg slit. All of the girls looked gorgeous in them and Ginny began to tear up. "Oh you girls all look so grown up. Your fathers are gonna kill me for letting you wear these though." The girls all laughed. "Awwww auntie Ginny." Cooed Molly pulling through woman up to hug them all. "The dresses!" Cried Vic.

"Hey Laur, Stace. You two look amazing." Complimented Morgan noticing the two quiet girls. "Well me do. But now we need to find Quinn's dress." Stacy smirked.

Quinn had been quietly sat in her robe smiling at the girls with tearfully happy eyes.

"You guys look amazing." Quinn gushed. "Well now it's time to dress the bell of the ball." Monica clapped her hands once more as the bridesmaids all took their seat. Wrapping themselves in their robes over their dresses to be pinned later on.

"If you'd follow me dear." Monica led Quinn into the back store room where together they scowered the shelves for a while. Deciding soon that Quinn definitely had a style she preferred. A-line with lots of lace.

Her mother's wedding dress had been rather simple and adored in beautiful lace. Quinn had been given a picture of the dress that was never salvaged after the impromptu wedding:

 And she had made it clear to Monica she wished to have something new, yet reminiscent of her late mother's dress

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And she had made it clear to Monica she wished to have something new, yet reminiscent of her late mother's dress.

After many attempts of showing her bridesmaids, step-mother and aunt her dresses she was shot down with each one.

Until she found the perfect dress.

Ginny gasped as Quinn stepped out from behind the curtain. In:

An elegant, layered-chiffon dress that was embroidered with gorgeous white roses

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An elegant, layered-chiffon dress that was embroidered with gorgeous white roses. Quinn's smile was humongous as she watched her cousins' and friends' jaws drop.

"You. Look. Bloody. Gorgeous!" Stacy stuttered in utter amazement at her friend's sheer beauty.

"Oh my goodness Quinn..." gasped Ginny with tears welling in her eyes, "you look so much like your mother." The redheaded woman sobbed happily.

"Thank you Auntie......I think I've found my dress." She said making them all start agreeing. Morgan smiled standing up to gently hug the girl.

"You look exquisite Quinn." Said the woman who Quinn had come to see as a mother figure, "thanks Mor."

The girls were all fitted and many hugs were exchanged. Then they all decided to finish up and head home.

Quinn handed over the check her father had given her for the dress deposits and together the group of thirteen left the boutique.

"Thank god that's finally over." Groaned Dom making them all laugh. "What is your problem with wearing a dress?" Asked Lucy. "Don't ask." Vic warned their cousin.

They all laughed again as they headed back towards Quinn and Teddy's apartment.

Once they reached the flat, Ginny and Morgan flooed back to Potter Manor with the girls.

Quinn, Vic, Laurie and Stacy were left alone.

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