43- Haha suck it Vic!

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"You ready babe?" Called Teddy as he stood leaning against the hallway wall of their apartment. "Yeah just grabbing Jake's gift!" She yelled back.

Quinn struggled to pull open the door as she carried three small boxes and one bigger one, along with a tray of her infamous brownies. This was a recipe she had inherited from her grandmother.

In his hands Teddy held three smaller crates as well and a box of beer cans for the party.

It was now March 24th, Jake's 21st birthday and the whole group was meeting at Jake's parents house to celebrate.

Teddy and Quinn were planning to ask their friends to be their bridesmaids and groomsmen with the smaller boxes.

Quinn put the boxes down momentarily on the floor as she withdrew her wand from her dress pocket and took out her small hand clutch.

She put an extending charm on her bag and quickly shrunk all of the boxes. Then she threw them all into her bag and they were ready to go.

They stepped out of the apartment and locked the door. Teddy and Quinn held hands as they apparated away.

The familiar feeling of being sucked through a big glass tube invaded Quinn's senses. Then it stopped and she found herself outside of a large family home.

The couple held hands as they walked up the porch steps and Teddy reached forward to knock on the door

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The couple held hands as they walked up the porch steps and Teddy reached forward to knock on the door.

"Ah, you're here!" Debra Trent opened the door to the two and eagerly pulled them both inside. "Jake-y! Teddy and Quinn are here!" Called the woman as she patted her elegant cocktail dress down on her knees.

"Out here mum!" Called the voice of their friend from the garden. "Teddy dear, the boys are all helping Mark set up the canopy." Teddy nodded kissing Quinn's head gently before he left through the sliding back door.

"Would you mind helping me in the kitchen a moment Quinn dear?"
"Oh sure. Are the others all here?" Quinn carried her platter into the kitchen and placed it down on the directed island space. "Not all of them. Daniel and his girlfriend are though, she's a nice girl." Debbie told her.

"Yeah Vic, she's my cousin." Quinn reminded the woman with a laugh. "Oh yes! How silly of me."

"Quinn!" There stood Victoria with a smile as she tossed a salad. "Hey V." Quinn gave her cousin a quick hug then she turned to Debbie.

"Where are people's gifts?" Asked Quinn. Debbie pointed to a table back in the sitting room and Quinn nodded. She moved over to it, placing Jake's present on it. "Can I put my clutch somewhere Debbie?"
"Just throw it down in the sitting room dear." Called the older woman.

As Quinn re-entered the kitchen she found Debbie taking a few trays out of the oven, "So Jacob tells me you two just got engaged, how exciting." Debra said as she turned around with a huge grin at the younger woman.

Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP next gem)Where stories live. Discover now