Chapter 13

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The others had gone into the kitchen and left me alone with Harry, I wasn’t sure if this was a good or bad thing.

“Do you want to go get some coffee tomrrow?” Harry asked me suddenly. Was he asking me out? Or was it just a friends thing? Was this a date? Oh my god, did this mean I was his girlfriend? No Beth, shut-up, of course it doesn’t! 

Oh great now I was having a conversation with my self. I need to pull myself together. God Beth just answer him for God’s sake!

“Yeh sure.” I said smiling.

“Right well, what do I wear?” I said Eleanor the following afternoon.

“Hmm, I think the patterned collared dress, the one from TopShop.” Eleanor said thoughtfully.

I decided on the collared dress that she suggested, with my sandals and some light make-up. I did my hair in the fish-braid side plait, leaving it draping loosly over my shoulder.

I looked in the mirror, Eleanor had done pretty well. I hugged her and went out to the lounge to meet Harry, he was looking effortlessly hot as usual wearing jeans and a T-shirt. 

“Ready Love?” Harry asked me.

“Yep.” I said trying not to blush but it was no use.

Harry ended up taking me to StarBucks, he asked me if I bought my sunglasses which I did so he wasn't recognized. Harry was wearing his Raybans so I slipped on my Aviators and we strolled into Starbucks, it was afternoon so there were only a small group of teenage girls drinking latte’s in the corner. We sat down at the back of the cafe and a waitress came over to take our order.

“Hi, what can I-, oh my God! Your Harry Styles!” She exclaimed, causing the teenage girls to look over who also squealed and raced over.

“Yes I am.” Harry smiled at all the girls, no a flirty smile but a friendly smile.

“Um, what can I get you?” The waitress said excitedly.

“Ermm, two latte’s, one vanilla, one caramel, please.” Harry said.

“So get we please get a picture?” The girls asked eagerly.

“Sure.” Harry smiled.

“Do you want me to take it?” I asked helpfully. The girls only just noticing me now, spun on me with questions.

“Oh my God, are you his girlfriend?” They asked with wide-eyes and Harry laughed.

“Just a good friend right now.” He added. The girls ended up wanting me in the photo too they got the waitress to take the picture.

“Sorry but whats your name, so I can tell my friends that I met you.” The blonde haired girl asked.

“Umm Bethany, but everyone calls my Beth.” I said, “But I’m not famous, I’m just friends with the him.” 

“I’m sure you’ll be famous too, I just posted the photo on twitter, and its already got 50 RT’s, what’s your twitter name, so I can follow you?” She rambled on.

“I haven't made one yet, but if you give me yours I’ll follow you when I make one?” I said trying to be friendly. The girls left a few minutes later, they had all written their twitters down on a napkin and I promised to follow them all later.

“Wow, that was hectic.” I said to Harry and he laughed.

“Yeh, the fans can be a little overwhelming at times.. no privacy.” 

The waitress came back over with our latte’s and I smiled at Harry, “How did you know my coffee order?” I asked.

“Guessed.” he grinned. 

Two hours and 3 coffees later, I knew I was completely falling for Harry, I had tried to fight it but it was no use.


Beth and I had been talking for two hours, she was so easy to talk to, I had never felt this sort of connection before with anyone, I looked up at Beth her blue eyes were shining as she was answering my questions about her school in Australia, she had a best friend called Ebony and was talking about how they had known each other since year 1. 

There was a silence between us for a second, I looked up at her again and she flashed her beautiful smile at me.

“Beth, I really like you...” I started.

“I know, I like you too Harry.” She said. She didn’t get what I meant, I needed to be more clear.

“No, I really like you.” I said and Beth looked up at me biting her lip slightly, she looked so gorgeous, I knew I didn’t have to say anything else. I leaned in and kissed her.


“No, I really like you.” Harry said to me. Wait, he liked me? Like how I liked him? How could I be sure? I bit my lip, I always did this when I was nervous. I forced myself to look up at Harry and he softly smiled, leaned in and kissed me. 

“Harry?” I asked hesitantly.


"I umm-" I stuttered, trying to get the words out, "It's just.."

"Just what?" Harry asked brushing his curls from his for-head.

"Your, you and famous, any girl would want you and I'm normal."

"And what's wrong with that?" Harry asked brishing my foot lightly under the table.

I blushed at the action.

"I want to be more than friends and if you'll have me.. Be my girlfriend?" Harry softly asked.

“Ok.” I grinned and his face broke into a smile and we both leaned in and met my lips again. 

“But I do need you to understand that you will get the attentions of the fans and the press.” Harry said seriously.

“I don’t care about that, as long as I’m with you.” I said and Harry smiled softly and kissed me again.

“We should get back to the boys and Eleanor.” I said.

“Aw really, I’d so much rather stay here and be with you.” Harry said cheekily and I laughed.

“There will be plenty of time for that later.” I said standing up and taking his hand, we got up and payed.

We walked back into the street and back to Harry’s car.

“I bet you the others are waiting in anticipation at home.” I laughed and Harry laughed too, “I bet they are.” Harry said smiling to himself.

Hope you all like it! Comment, vote, luffu al! xx

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