Chapter 6

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I looked at my watch and smiled, we still had about 12 hours to go, that meant I had 12 more hours to hang with Harry.

“Bored?” Harry asked.

“No.” I said, “I was justing wondering when the food was coming, I’m starving!”

“Likes food.” Said a new voice, “My kinda girl.”

I whipped my head around and there stood none other than Niall and Liam, even though I wasn’t an “official” fan of One Direction, during X-factor I had watched them. Noticing my bewildered expression Liam smiled. “He’s just joking, love.” 

“I’m Bethany.” I said to them, “but you can call me Beth.” I went to shake their hands with they did, giving me nice smiles.

Once they had retreated to their seats, I sank back in mine wondering if I should put on a movie or not, before I had a chance to decide my eyelids got heavy and I fell asleep.


Beth looked a little overwhelmed with the while situation, I don't blame her, guys she barely knows hugging her. I don't know I had only known this girl for less than a day, was I already developing a crush? I felt something heavy on my shoulder, looking over I saw Beth asleep, her head neslted in my shoulder. I chuckled to myself looking down at her, her soft brown hair was tickling my neck and her hair smelt like vanilla.

"Already making a move, huh Harry?" A voice startled me, I whipped my head around to see Louis grinning at me.

I laughed, "No." Louis raised an eyebrow.

I didn't want to wake her up, "I don't really know her, she's attractive, funny, smart and really nice but yeh..."

"Then get to know her Harry." Louis said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"It's not that easy, she lives in Australia, I'll probably get off this flight and never see her again." I said feeling sad at the thought of it. Louis just shrugged and he and Zayn sat back down. I looked down at Beth again she was still sound asleep.. She looked so cute sleeping.


I woke up to find myself leaning against something strong, soft and warm, I opened my eyes to see a pair of bright green eyes looking at me... Harry's eyes. I looked around for a second realising that I had been sleeping on his shoulder! I quickly picked myself up embarrassed yet again, what was it with this boy, he seemed to activate my "retart mode" or something.

"Sorry." I said yawing, "that must have been annoying."

"Nah, it's all good babe, my sister does it to me all the time." Harry said smiling. 

I couldn't believe I had fallen alseep at a time like this, I was on a plane with One Direction and I had fallen asleep! And not just fallen asleep but fallen asleep on Harry Styles' shoulder! I sighed and looked at the floor.

"Only about an hour or two to go." Harry said to me.

"An hour?" I said, "How long was I asleep for?"

"A while, but I was alseep for most of it too." Harry explained.

"Yes he was." Louis said suddenly, "And look how cute you two look."

He said showing me a picture on his phone of me curled up against Harry and him with his head resting on mine, now it was Harry's turn to blush as he told Louis to shut-up.

 Harry and I talked for a while longer before the captain announced to put our seatbelt on and be prepared to land, the butterflies settled in my stomach again but not because we were landing but because Harry had grabbed my hand for me to hold on the way down.

Sorry I havn't updated in a while guys, been busy! Hope you enjoy this chatper :) xxx 

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