Chapter 1 - Meeting the New Girl

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It was a day like all others, Carissa was walking to school. Cars swerving away as she crossed the road and children crying as she walked by the park.

She walked into school, people creating a path for her as she walked through the hallways. A group of teachers were having a conversation that was cut short as she walked by.

Everyone feared her. As did she. Who wouldn't? She was the daughter of a demon, the hell beast that ruined people's afterlives.

Anyway, Carissa walked into her first class, English, early as usual, only to see a girl sitting in the seat that had become hers.

The outcast seat. That seat that wasn't in a row. The seat that didn't belong, just like her.

Who was this girl?

They made eye contact and for the first time, someone had smiled at Carissa. Carissa's jaw dropped.

What was going on?! Who is she?! She has a cute smile- wait what?

The bell rang unnoticed by both girls. The class started to file in only to stop, motionless, in the doorway. They took in the sight; the new girl, smiling at the most feared girl in school.


Mrs Etter was walking towards her classroom, the new table weighing her down. She turned the corner and swore under her breath; all the students had decided to stop in the doorway. "MOVE!" She yelled.

Slowly the crowd dispatched. As she entered she understood what they had been doing. "Everyone to your seats," Mrs Etter called, her face paling slightly, "As I'm sure you've noticed, we have a new student in our class, make her feel welcome..."

The new girl stood and began walking towards Mrs Etter who unconsciously stepped back. She smiled politely and took the table from her new teacher.

She then turned around, Carissa still gaping at her, and returned to the back of the classroom placing the table next to the one she had been sitting in before.

The girl looked at Carissa then sat and tapped the spot next to her invitingly. Carissa began to back away.

"I'm Zella, Zella Nightingale."

Carissa ran.

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