Chapter 5 - She's Probably Straight, Right?

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Carissa was home. Where is home? Well her father had bought a small house for his daughter when he decided to send her to the mortal world.

*a memory*

"I don't want to go! You know they'll hate me!"
"This is not up for discussion Carissa, you must learn to live amongst the mortals, learn their ways, maybe even make a friend!"

"You know I won't make a friend, all of them will feel it! Everyone will hate me!"
"You know you must do this Carissa, you may as well get it over with now."
"Believe me darling, you're not the first to tell me that. Now go."

*present day*

He told me I might make a friend. He was right! I should apologise for making such a big deal out of everything. Carissa called her father.

"Pick up!"
"Hello little one, it's good to know you're talking to me now! I knew you'd get over it...I just thought it'd be sooner. Anyway, better late than never!"

"I'm not your little one anymore, I'm a whole year older then when you last talked to me!"
"I tried to talk sooner-"

"I know that dad, shut the fuck up!"
"Still have that fiery temper I see. It's great to finally talk to you but just out of curiosity...why'd you call?"

"I, um, I wanted to say I'm sorry for kicking up such a fuss before I left because you were right, I made a friend!"
"Oh, uh, that's wonderful dear, who is she?"

"Her name's Zella, she's beautiful and funny but she makes me a bit nervous. You see she has the most beautiful eyes and oh my satan, her smile!"
"Are you sure she's your friend?"

"I mean she smiled at me and we talked and hung out, so...yeah!"
"And nothing else?"
"Ew dad, what the heaven!"

"Sorry Rissa"
"I told you not to call me that anymore Luci!"
Carissa hung up snickering.

The line went dead. Carissa's father smiled in triumph.


Carissa lay in bed fully awake. She couldn't stop thinking about her day. My first friend! But Zella kissed me. That's not a normal friendship is it? Maybe dad was right... Oh what does he know, she's probably straight anyway. Right?

With that thought echoing around her Carissa finally fell asleep.

🏳️‍🌈 !Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈

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