Chapter 7 - Baby?

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*TW: homophobic slurs*

Finally, lunch! Zella and Carissa were in different classes for Maths, Carissa with Mr Bellisario and Zella with Mrs Quick. Zella thought Mrs Quick's name was quite ironic as she was old and slow but the woman seemed to take quite a shine to Zella so she couldn't really complain.

Carissa walked to her locker to see Zella already there.
"Hey" Carissa said shyly, her cheeks heating up. She'd been getting funny looks the whole day but today they were different to normal.

She knew it was due to her foolish actions with Zella, earlier that day. Still, Zella hugged her back AND held her hand! Carissa sighed dreamily still lost in thought as she vividly remembered.

Zella admired the beauty in front of her knowing the other was lost in her head and wouldn't notice the staring.

They both snapped out of their lovesick trances to see one of the school famous assholes, Semaj, staring with a smirk, not to mention the whole hallway filled with students stopping to gape at the unusual sight.

With their attention now on him Semaj lost some confidence but kept going. "New girl, you're pretty good looking, why are you hanging out with that ugly freak when you can sit with me and my boys. I get that you're new and all but really? The freak? You can do better, you can do me! If you hang out with a filthy fag like her, expect to join her in the pits of hell!"

If she wasn't so mad, Zella may have laughed at that but she wasn't going to let this asshole get away with anything. Keeping her cool she asked,
"What was your name?"
"Semaj, sweetheart, thinking of joining me for lunch?"
"You think I'd want to have lunch with you? Oh please, even your parents don't like you, giving you a name like that! And I would love to join Carissa in the pits of hell so Fuck. Off."

No one ever stood up to Semaj. He was a bully and him and his little gang always got away with it. Well, almost always. Standing amongst the students was good old Mrs Quick and she wasn't going to let some foul mouthed, spoiled brat speak that way to her new favourite student whether she approved of her friendship with Carissa or not.

"Semaj Carlo, my office, NOW." And with that she turned waddling back to her office with Semaj following behind, shooting death glares at Carissa.

Zella slipped her hand into Carissa's knowing she was upset and tried to sooth her, whispering "C'mon Baby, don't let him get to you, let's go eat." and as they walked to their table there was only one thought on Carissa's mind.


Hello! Long time no update, oops!
Hope you enjoyed this one!
      -Bee x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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