Chapter 4 - Lead the Way

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Zella and Carissa were late to Health. Mr Jett heard giggling and turned to glare at the latecomers until he saw who they were; the freak and the newbie.

His nose wrinkled in disgust but not before Carissa saw the fear flash behind his eyes. Carissa's good mood dissolved.

Mumbling a quick sorry, she hurried to the back of the room. Zella noticed the effect other people's opinion had on Carissa's mood. No one messes with my girl!

"Hey, Mister?" Zella called out in an annoying voice. "I'm new, I need a table..."
"Ahh, right... go up to the office and get one."

"Ok! Come on Carissa!"
Carissa sat up hearing her name being called.
"What?" Carissa and Mr Jett said at the same time.

"You can't take her with you!" Mr Jett began to protest.
Zella giggled, "Of course I can! She's my welcome buddy, silly!"
And with that Zella dragged Carissa out of the classroom.


Carissa could not stop staring at the girl dragging her along. She seemed annoyed at Mr Jett for no reason. Maybe she's not actually a nice person... Still, she's my one shot at friendship.

Carissa's thoughts were cut short when she saw Zella turn around to look at her. "Were you staring?" Zella teased.
"What! No! I was just um, I... Come on the office is this way!"

Zella smirked letting Carissa get ahead of her for once. She was definitely checking me out, I may as well return the favour!

WOAH! Her body is so perfect! I never really had a proper look! "You're flawless!" Oh shit, I did not mean to say that out loud...

Carissa turned around blushing a deep crimson. OH. MY. SATAN! LOOK AT HER FACE! SHE'S SO CUTE! Oh well, better roll with it! "You look absolutely stunning!"

Carissa's mind was running wild. WHY DID SHE SAY THAT?! SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL! I LOOK LIKE A TROLL COMPARED TO HER! Oh, she's joking...

Zella stopped, startled, when Carissa was suddenly doubled over laughing. Shit, she must be straight. "What's so funny?" Zella asked, giggling along hoping Carissa wasn't laughing at her.

Carissa's laughter stopped abruptly, startling Zella again. "What? You were joking. You couldn't actually mean that. I mean I'm not pretty, let alone 'flawless' and 'gorgeous'. I mean, have you looked in the mirror?" Carissa rambled.

"Wait, you think I'm pretty?" Zella asked hopefully.
Suddenly Carissa was back to her quiet, shy self. "I-I mean yeah. You're m-more than pretty, y-you're absolutely beautiful!"

Zella walked towards Carissa backing her against a wall for the second time that day. She leaned in, placing a light kiss on Carissa's cheek. "Thanks" Zella whispered.

Carissa's cheeks flared. She unconsciously brought her hand up to her cheek.
"Um, th-the office is just around this c-corner." Carissa stuttered out.
"Ok princess, lead the way." Zella smirked.

We got some action! Hooray for gay!

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