Chapter 3 - Come on Out of The Closet

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I want to do something for myself for once. This is the only chance I have. Poor Zella. It'll be awful when she finds out. But until then...

A faint knock at the door cut her thoughts short. She froze. "I'm coming in!" a cheery voice called. The door creaked open letting a sliver of light enter.

"Whatcha doin in here? Come on out of the closet!"
"I- um- this isn't um- what are you doing in here?" Carissa said, backing away for the cute, new girl.

Zella noticed and took a step forward. "Looking for you." She replied, backing Carissa into the corner.

Carissa felt the wall against her back. I have to protect her. We can't be friends. She doesn't deserve my awful excuse for a friendship. "Leave."

Zella giggled, walking towards Carissa until they were only centimetres apart. Carissa could feel Zella's warm breath as she whispered "Make me."

Carissa was lost for words. Zella smirked, spinning on her heel and grabbing Carissa by her wrist. "Come." Was all she said before dragging Carissa out of the cupboard.


"W-where are you taking me?" Carissa stuttered. "Dunno." Was the only response she got. What?

"So are you gonna tell me your name?" Zella paused expectantly. "Oh s-sorry, I'm Carissa..." Carissa blushed a deep red.


Instead, Zella said "Well, Carissa, you're my 'welcome buddy' so you have to show me around school until I'm comfortable."

"Oh, um, well you're the one showing me around, it seems..."
"Haha, you're cute!"

Carissa blushed again "Um, Thank-"
She was interrupted by the bell.

"Well that's the end of English, I have Health now, show me where to go."
"You do?"
"Mm hmm!"
"Oh, so do I!"

"Who's your teacher?"
"According to this," Zella began, pulling her timetable out from who knows where, "Mr Jett."
"Ok you're in my class!"
"Lead the way, Princess!"

Princess of the Underworld at least...

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