Chapter 6 - People are Looking

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Zella walked home smirking triumphantly. Carissa thought she was pretty, no, beautiful! Zella walked into her apartment, her head filled with naughty thoughts about the girl she was sent to befriend.

Time to feed! Zella thought, opening her fridge. Inside were glasses of blood and raw meat. Zella much preferred it when her food was fresh but she wasn't one to complain.

She grabbed a glass and a quarter of a steak as a snack to tide her over to dinner. Biting into the raw meat, a line of blood trickling down her chin, she thought about the human food she ate today with Carissa. Bleh!

And again her thoughts were straight back to her new friend. Her new mistress.


Tuesday. Carissa practically skipped to school, anticipating her day. Last night Carissa dreamt of her friend and woke up excited for what's to come. As she got to the school gates people steered clear of her.

She felt her anxiety ripple through her.
She may now have a friend but nothing else had changed.


Zella was early. She also dreamt of the other and wanted to spend as much time as she could with her princess. Zella was reading on her phone when she felt a tingle travel around her body. She's here!

Zella tried to walk as casually as she could, trying to hide her excitement. She was doing quite well until she saw the girl she was tracking. When Carissa saw Zella her eyes lit up and a smile found its way to her lips. Zella felt her heart flutter at the sight.

Carissa was delighted it wasn't just a dream! Suddenly she was hugging Zella. OH NO WHY DID I DO THAT! Carissa thought, pulling away immediately, her cheeks flushed with colour.

Zella immediately pulled her back in, her arms wrapping themselves securely around Carissa's waist. Looking up into Carissa's eyes she smiled. "Hi" she whispered
"Um, Zella, people are looking" Carissa whispered back, her cheeks turning an even darker shade of pink.

"Does that matter?" Zella asked, releasing Carissa from her arms. As much as she liked the girl she was still going to respect her boundaries.
"I guess not..." Carissa mumbled reaching for Zella's hand as they headed towards the classroom.

Aye new chapter!
Happy Pride Month
    -Bee x

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