How are you?

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Avocado was mean saihara was salty they got into a fight avocado left. ouma wants to sleep at Saiharas place because parents are shit bags but she has her clothes and blankets at home so she has to go and get them okay we all on the same page?okie dokie and ALSO PLEASE READ there's a hint of child abuse again so please stay safe everyone luv u!💖💖💖💖💖💖

No one POV:
Saiharas grabbed kokichi's hand and ran as fast as she could down the street

You live on my street right? I mean the first time we met was in front of my apartment complex so you're house should be around my street right?

Y-yeah at the end of you're the street!

(Time skip brought to you by train stop to Saiharas street and continuing to run)

So are you're parents home at this time?

My mum doesn't work and my dads a handy man so he's usually working this time of day.

Okay so do you want to wait at the front door when i talk to your mum?
(Yes I'm Australian sorry mate!)

Y-yes please.

Saihara POV:
I stopped in front of kichi's house it's really small and pretty shitty.

No one POV:
Saihara look at kichi she was shaking
Saihara patted her head softly.

Just wait here okay


Ouma gulped as saihara turned the door nob.

I-it's not locked?

J-just hurry up and open it!

Y-yeah!W-wait I should ring the doorbell!



The doorbell rang as heavy footsteps came closer and closer until the door clicked.

What the hell? Who the fuck are you supposed to be?

A long purple haired woman with a cigar in her mouth asked......Kokichi's mum.

I-I'm shuichi saihara!

Yeah and what do you want?

W-well I was wondering if kichi could sleep over at my place for six weeks?

Why the hell would I let ouma go over to a person I don't even know's house and for that long! also why did you call her kichi that's not the rats name.

I looked at ouma she was  on the floor cuddling her legs almost crying. God her mums a son of a bitch. I patted kichi's head and then looked back to her mum.

P-please think about it!

The woman took the cigar out her mouth. And flicked it around her hand And continued to puff smoke into my face Which then lended me to cough into my arm.

Fine. If it gets the rat away from me then I'll be happy about it.

C-can I come in?

Yesterday's tears (fem oumasai/Saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now