life is strange

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No one POV:
Saihara sighed it was the first day of a new year of school she quickly got out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror she looked at her blue pjs with cloud patterns on them then she looked at her somewhat unkept hair that draped over her porcelain face and her long eyelashes she looked at her eyelids that gave the ascetic of looking as if she was always sad which wasn't completely wrong but she wasn't know for getting negative out of no where Piano dork would be really sad if she brought a sad attitude to school. she giggled to herself Akamatsu would be really angry if she said that to her face she can almost here Kaede saying 'I'm not a dork*sob* you're so mean Saihara !" in a sad pouty tone.

Jezz she missed Kaede it had been so long since they've talked she was really exited to see her best friend again. Kaede was always so nice to her about everything to the point people think she's faking it to get something out of Saihara but in all honesty she's trying to be the best she can be for everyone not just including Shuichi it was refreshing.

I wonder what happens in the holi- 'SHUICHI GET YOUR SELF OUT OF BED AND DRESSED I MADE WEETBIX!" Saihara's aunt called out in a kind tone but still having a LOT of gusto to her voice Saihara loved her aunt even if she was loud she was kind but she dint want to get over herself she'd be late to school if she kept thinking to herself.

Saihara brushes her hair until it was silky and then took off of her Panama's and put on her black hat then put on her white button up long sleeved shirt and her shiny blue tie and grey skirt with silky dark blue tights with black shiny shoes with a cute silver button holding the shoe together. She wiped the small amount of dust off her skirt and grabbed her blue and black checked bag

Time skip brought to you by lazy author-chan

Shuichis POV:
With the click of my aunts apartment door I walked down the rails of stairs of our apartment complex hearing the click of my shoes hitting the stairs until I reached the last stairs aaaaannnd done! (Roll credits)I smiled happy about my accomplishment It had been awhile since I went outsi- h-huh wait...who is that....

Kokichi POV:
I wonder how Amami is his life isn't ever boring well it can't be he has so many siblings it must be hard being the oldest sibling then again I am an only chi-wait WAIT who's that girl and why she looking at me and why do I think I know her from somewhere and another thing what's with the hat she'd look way prettier without it I mean she has really pretty hair and it looks really silky and shiny and her eye are so pretty I want to see them up close and her hands look so delicate and her body as a whole looks beautiful and she has pretty big boo-NOPENOPENOPENOPE STAY WHOLESOME KOKICH YOU DON'T WANT TO BE A CUM-DUMPSTER LIKE MIU

Shuichi POV:
Why she looking at me like tha-t? She just started sweating and her face is completely pink what the hell could be going through her head right now but more importantly where have I seen this girl before and also...why is she so gosh-dam CUTE !!!!she's tiny and has really big purple eyes and her hairs in pig tails!

Saiharas voice of reason basically Kaede:
it's really rude to stare Saihara and it would make you uncomfortable if someone who basically towers over you in height hasn't talk one word to you and just called you cute so instead of being rude say hi!
Y-yeah that's right I should say hi!

'H-hel- 'Oh JEez iM GOiNa bE LAtE BeTtER gO!" The small girl yelled cutting me off then walking into a sprint at a pace I couldn't keep up with.
'O-oh HAVE A GOOD DAY !'' I yelled at the top of my lungs

Kokichi POV:
That was pathetic truely pathetic a girl who looks like she has SUVERE anxiety is about to say something to you and you just freak out about the idea of having to say ANYTGING to her and when your the ULTIMATE SUPREME LEADER OF EVIL can't say just one word because the person talking is too freeing hot to talk to argghhhhhhh!!!!
I stopped running and walked to the train stop then looked at my grandmother antique pocket watch 25minutes early wow I'm really really early geez I always wake up late so I'm usually always late as a side affect.
we'll thats something new many this is some good luck maybe the rest of the day will end up as easy as thi- wait those footsteps girls shoes- oh noooooooooooooo this is so annoyinggghggggh

Shuichi POV:
O-oh it that girl from earlier we'll this is horrible and embarrassing in one sentence well I'll just pretend that I don't see her.
This is bad.............

Hellooooo this is my first Wattpad story and I had a lot of fun with this so thats it for chapter 1 I'll be posting tomorrow so see you then bye-bye❤️

Heya it's FUTURE author chan~

I've noticed that ALOT of peeps have seen this book and not upvoted it and I've taken a lot of effort into this and it gets my work more recognised so it really help me!
but you don't have to if you don't like it👌

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