Chapter 20

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Ryan's Point Of View

"So where are you taking me?" Emily grinned as I walked with her down the street hand in hand. 

"We are almost there, I promise." I chuckled, swinging our arms back and forth.

After Emily and I had talked last night, I knew I had to take her on a special first date. It just so happened that she had a free day the next day. So obviously I planned a little something for today.

"Right here." I proudly smiled, gesturing to the large building.

"A museum?" She asked. Her expression was a mix of confusion and excitement. 


"You took me to a museum for a first date instead of lunch, or coffee? What a rebel, I like it." she teased.

"My mom would take me to museums a lot when I was younger. I loved them."

"Well let's go in! I'm kind of an art buff," she bragged.


"Yeah. For example, Picasso. And that other artist. Oh and that one painter!"

"I should stop believing everything you say," I laughed, leading her into the gallery.

"Yeah, you'll learn that quick." she gazed around at all of the paintings.

We spent a couple minutes walking by some different pieces until we came upon one painting of a woman with brown hair tied up into a bun. She was holding a large orange umbrella and was wearing a poofy green shirt.

I stepped closer to read the label.

Woman with a Parasol, Paul Signac, 1893

"Wait, step closer to the painting. Look, it's all dots!" I motioned for her to come closer.

"I know Paul Signac! He created the method of pointillism, along with Georges Seurat." her eyes got wide.

"Wow, you're a good liar." I patted her on the back.

"No, I'm serious! This painting is of his at the time girlfriend. They shortly got married after this painting and then divorced, but they stayed on good terms. Signac participated in a bunch of styles, like neo-impressionism, impressionism, post-impressionism, and of course pointillism. He mostly painted his wife and landscapes." She didn't miss a beat.

"You confuse me so much," I laughed. I looked around to see if I could find anyone that looked like they worked here. I spotted an older gentleman who had just finished explaining a piece to someone next to us.

"Sir, do you work here?" I asked.

He walked over to us and gave a warm smile. "Why yes, I do." His crowfeet were very prominent. 

"Could you tell us about this piece?" I motioned to the painting and smiled.

"Ah yes, Paul Signac. He was a famous French painter who often used pointillism in his paintings. It's what it sounds like, just a bunch of dots," he gave a gravelly laugh. "The model in his painting was his girlfriend at the time, later to be wife and then ex-wife." 

"Thank you sir," I nodded. 

"Anytime," he hobbled off to find someone else in need.

I looked at Emily with shock.

"I thought you weren't an art buff!"

"I'm not!" she giggled. "I was forced to take an art class in high school in order to be apart of the film program," she sheepishly smiled. "Paul Signac was the one artist I did a project on."

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