Chapter 3

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"Arrange the marriage!" Logan shouted in delight, pulling away from Virgil.

The crowd cheered, and Thomas and Patton embraced with joy as their plan had worked! After nearly twenty years, it had worked. Virgil, however, furrowed his eyebrows before calling out.

"Wait!" he said, taking a step back from everyone.

The cheering stopped, Thomas and Patton jerked around in a slight panic.

"What? Why wait? You're all I ever wanted. You're beautiful!" Logan exclaimed.

"Thank you. But what else?" Virgil, asked, looking at him with his beautiful mismatched eyes.

"What else?" Logan said, startled by the question, as he was not expecting it whatsoever.

"Is beauty all that matters to you? Or do you care about personality as well?" Virgil asked, fidgeting with his fingers as he waited for a response.

Thomas coughed awkwardly, pulling at the collar around his neck in a vague hope of relieving the tension.

"Logan... What else?" Patton asked, hoping to encouraged his son.

Logan looked between Virgil, his father and King Thomas in a slight panic. He didn't know what to say, he wasn't prepared for this. So he just spit out the first thing that came to mind.

"I, uh... What else is there?" he stuttered, utterly confused and caught off guard by the unexpected question.

Deceit made a buzzer noise and put his thumb down to signal that he he messed up big time. Patton whimpered while Virgil looked down at the floor sadly, his hands falling to his sides.

"Oh," the dark prince muttered before quickly walking out, his dress and shoes the only sound heard besides the open and close of the mighty doors.

The next day King Thomas and Prince Virgil prepared to leave. The two monarchs waiting by the gates to bid them fair well.

"Well we tried, Patton. No one can say we didn't try," Thomas sighed from the top of his white horse.

Patton was trying to stifle his sobs as he watched them leave, holding a handkerchief to his eyes to dry the tears, but his bottom lip still quivered.

"Say goodbye, Virgil," Thomas told the prince as he walked by on his bay steed.

"Goodbye," Virgil said, avoiding eye contact with anyone and everyone.

"Goodbye...?" Thomas drew out, as if there was more to say.

"Prince Logan," Virgil sighed, lowering his head.

"Goodbye, Prince Virgil," Logan said sadly as he watched the two depart.

"All these years of planning... WASTED!" Patton shouted in a fit of emotion as he walked away, his voice echoing around the courtyard.

Logan stayed were he was, watching the lovely Virgil until he couldn't see him anymore. Logan sighed, before he turned and sluggishly started walking to his tower.

Up at his tower he found his friend Roman and decided to play some chess with him. At around mid afternoon it started raining and Deceit arrived, clearly about to figuratively grill Logan.

"What else is there? He says, "Is beauty all that matters?" And you say, "What else is there?!" Deceit complained, throwing his yellow gloved hands about to prove his point.

"It was halfwitted, I'm well aware," Logan admitted, drearily wandering back and forth on his side of the chess board.

"You should write a book. 'How to Offend Virgil in Five Syllables or Less'," snarked Deceit, holding an imaginary monocle to his eye and feigning reading a book's title for emphasis.

"Your turn, Prince Logan," Roman said after snatching one of Logan's pieces while the prince was too preoccupied.

"I didn't know what else to say," continued Logan, moving a piece absentmindedly.

"Oh! You lost your queen, Logan," Roman snickered as he knowingly cheated at the game.

"That's twice in one day!" Logan said.

"Think! You must see something other than Virgil's beauty," pressed Deceit, clapping his hands together.

"Of course I do, Deceit. He's like... You know! How about... And then... Am I right? I don't know how to say it!" Logan said with a sigh before an idea clicked.

"I'll prove it to him. I'll prove my love! Checkmate!" Logan said happily, moving a piece to win the match.

"Huh?" Roman gasped, dumbfounded as to how the prince won.

The Swan Prince {Sanders Sides Analogical AU}Where stories live. Discover now