Chapter 6

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At the pond where Virgil resided for the past month, a marine iguana and rat were in a clearing near the crumbling castle's moat. The rat was in the process of binding long rush plants together by impaling the bottom stem of the plant into the cattail on the top part. The rat seemed more human like than rat, standing fully on his hind legs and using his front as hands as if he was from "Ratatouille".

"So, babe, you really thing this will work?" the iguana asked with a chuckle as he rested his head on his claws, laying on a rock with moonlight filtering through the trees.

"Of course it will Remy! Do you doubt my ability to get a kiss?" the rat said, still twisting the rushes.

"Oh no, hon. I would never doubt you babe, but this seems a bit risky," the iguana said, flicking his tail.

"Risky will have to do. I'm getting desperate," said the rat as he finished.

"How do you know this will work, hon? And why can't you just give Virgil these flowers?" Remy asked, gesturing to a patch of periwinkles blooming near a tree.

The light grey rat shook his head and pointed at the lovely moon flowers blooming across the moat.

"Well, Roman always said big romantic gestures always work, so. . . I don't know why I'm taking his advice right now, but we shan't dwell on that!" the rat cried, setting the pole he create between two rocks for security.

"Mhm," Remy mumbled.

"Okay, concentrate! You've done far worst than this as a human!" the fuzzy animal told himself as he prepared, pulling the pole back as far as it would go.

The two alligators who guarded the moat were eying the rat with interest, grinning huge toothy grins as they waiting for him to make a move. The rat narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Just curious babe, but how're you planning on getting back?" Remy asked.

The rat squeaked, but it was too late. He was being catapulted across the moat and barely missed the alligators snapping at him. Clinging to the pole, the rat screeched as he swung back and forth, the alligators snapping every time he got close, and several times he nearly lost his tail.

"Ah! Hurry, hurry! Move up, move up! No, not that — close! Aaaah! Grab onto to me! Grab onto to me! Hold my paw! Hold my tail! Hold my – hold it, hold it, hold it," screamed the rat as he flailed about, before stopping as he realized he was no longer moving.

He looked over to see the familiar purple and green eyes of Virgil looking down at him, a pale hand holding the pole steady. The prince had a knowing smirk on his face and raised an eyebrow.

"Getting into trouble again, are we Remus?" Virgil asked, allowing the rodent to hop off the pole onto solid ground.

"Ha, well... I just can't help myself sometimes. Danger and trouble just seem to call my name. You know that, Virgil, that's how I got cursed with this in the first place," Remus snickered, gesturing to his body.

"Yeah, you've told me. Now what were you trying to do this time to get me to kiss you?" Virgil asked, resting his cheek on the palm of his arm as he waited for an answer.

"Just trying to get a lovely prince some moon flowers," Remus said, Remy rolling his eyes in the background.

"Remus, you know I can't," sighed the prince.

"Yeah, and trust me. This is no walk in the fields for me either. I just want to be human again and the witch said the kiss of a prince would do it. I'm just desperate here," the rat huffed, crossing his arms.

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