Chapter 10

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In another part of the forest Logan was stalking about, bow and arrow in hand.

Virgil frantically flew through the trees in search of his love, Emile zipping right along after him.

"A swan?" Logan said as he saw a beautiful black bird flying at him.

"A swan! Of course! It's not what it seems!" he thought.

"Just a little closer... Come on... Come on..." Logan whispered, nocking an arrow.

"Logan!" Virgil said excitedly as he flew closer.

Logan leaped out from behind the tree and aimed his arrow at the bird's chest.

"This one's for Virgil!" he shouted.

Virgil froze in panic, then felt something small slam into his side, pushing him out if the way of the arrow just in time to avoid being speared. Virgil shook his head and started flying away, seeing Emile buzzing next to him, looking rather relieved.

"Ah, Virgil! Oh, phew. I though you were a goner. Oh, oh! That was close! It's working! Here he comes!" said the hummingbird, looking back to see Logan pursuing them.

"Hey, slow down, you're going to lose him! Slow down!" Emile cried, buzzing in front of Virgil, but the black swan kept flying, slight panic in his eyes.

"He's too close. He nearly killed me," Virgil said.

"Too close? He can hardly see us anymore, let alone – aah!" Emile squeaked as another arrow whizzed by them, "Speed up, kid. Oh, that boy of yours sure can move."

"I told you! He's faster than you thought," Virgil said, flying as fast as he could, but Logan was catching up.

"Don't worry, Virgil, I know a rhyme that can help us!" Emile said.

"Well?" Virgil asked as he saw Logan leap onto a cliff ledge.

"Uh..." Emile looked around frantically.

"Emile!" Virgil cried as Logan took aim at him.

"Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! 'When the archer has you in his sight, fly into the sun and use its light!' Follow me!" said Emile, flying towards the setting sun with Virgil right behind him.

They looked back down at Logan to see him looking away from them, the bright sun's rays burning his eyes, made worse because of his glasses.

"Aha! Oh... Well, what did I tell you, Virgil? Now all we have to do is stay in the sun, and we'll be fine," Emile said. Not a minute later, though, the sun set, taking their cover with it.

The two birds' eyes widened and darted back to where Logan had been, only to find him missing.

"All right! Don't panic, don't panic!" Emile cried as they flew towards a cliff only to be met with the sight of Logan aiming directly at them. Virgil gasped in fright and looked around for cover.

"Into the trees!" Virgil said as the two dove out of the way.

They made it to a tree's limbs, hiding amongst the branches as they watched Logan run after them, pausing close to the tree they were hiding in.

"We better think of something quick, or we're goners," said Virgil in a hushed voice.

"Oh! I knew an old possum who once said, 'when there's no escape, you have to play dead."' I'll distract him, you fly when I flick my wing," Emile instructed as he stabbed a nearby red berry with his beak and splashed its juice on his chest to make it appear as though he was bleeding.

The Swan Prince {Sanders Sides Analogical AU}Where stories live. Discover now