𝘪. 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳

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↫↫↫↫↫ cold soba ↬↬↬↬↬
(¯'*•.¸,¤°'✿.。.:* 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 *.:。.✿'°¤,¸.•*'¯)

1:22 a.m. at night (or morning?) made the usually lively and bustling restaurant feel hollow and empty. it sure was lonely being stuck with the night shift, although it was quiet and peaceful. only 4 people came in since her shift started, and 3 of them just needed to use the bathroom. the last one was just a tourist looking for directions. she could barely understand because of her lovely british accent, but it sounded quite pretty nonetheless.

that was 3 hours and 22 minutes ago.

well, that's what happens when you apply for a job at a 24-hour noodle shop in mustafu, japan.

the rare people and customers that do stop by were all very interesting. most of them even had the spare time to spin a tale or two about their woes of life because let's face it, you're only ever going to eat at a 24-hour establishment like the one she worked for past midnight if your life's a hot mess or you're genuinely confused with the topic of time.

it made the job very easy however, and half the time, she could spend it studying for her exams like a good student she is.

yeah...nah. she spends a big chunk of it in the kitchen, totally not using up all the leftover supplies to make experimental foods for herself that she sees in other asian themed restaurants. best thing is that she can just blame it all on the dinner rush that starts right before her shift starts.

back to the present, she was blankly staring at her japanese literacy homework. since she left it at the last moment because she was making crunchy spring rolls last night, she had to do them today or else she would land herself in detention. the problem was her deadass could not register the proverbs in her head. if you're going to fall down seven times, you should probably see a physiologist. better yet, just look where you're going.

absent mindedly, she started to twirl her [h/c] strands that hung messily down the sides of her face in a failed attempt to focus on her work. the bell at the door rang, signaling her that a customer had just arrived, which saved her from trying to decipher and write an essay on the subject.

glancing up, she saw a gift delivered by the gods of procrastination and beauty. 

walking through those doors was the prettiest, most handsome teenage boy she's ever seen. he had gelled-back red and white hair and wore a navy-blue suit with white accents. his face looked like the cover of a teen magazine, his jawline already starting to appear sharp despite the young age he looked like. his mouth was set into a slight frown, serious, brooding, yet attractive at the same time.

his eyes weren't as clear under the dim warm lights overhead, but she could make out the seemingly glowing green eye surrounded by a burn mark. it seemed to be an old wound, seeing as it had smoothened out already, but the change in skin color still stayed.

i wonder if it still hurts to touch. she pondered. but by the spirits of heaven, this boy hit the motherload when god was giving people their looks.

the boy turned to fully face her and started to walk casually towards the cashier, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket. she then realized how unprofessional she looked with her homework scrawled all over the counter and quickly swept it into the beat-up box she stole from the storage closet with the words 'buckwheat flour' stamped in bold green characters.

plastering on a smile despite her headache from her schoolwork, [name] greeted the customer. "hi, welcome to chili's, may i take your order?"

todoroki shōto stared straight at her, confusion written all over his handsome face. "i thought this place was called akatori."

i have decided against my 
better judgement to try and 
write a sort of crackfic but 
lemme know if you actually
like it cus i don't know what
i'm doing. send me messages 
on my message board or my
inbox, i need friends. or just
send me memes, that's cool.
probs will put the memes
in this story tbh because
i have a significant depletion
of trending memes.

would be great if y'all could
push that little star thingy-ma-jig
and comment on how dumb i am.

peace out homies.

completed: 04.23.20
12:19:04 a.m. eat 
(eastern australian time)

published: 04.26.20
6:15:55 p.m. eat
(eastern australian time

COLD SOBA / 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐨̄𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now