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chapter 23 | i'm certified i think-

she didn't remember how she got the scrubs that magically fit a midget like her, or why she was even participating in a surgery anyways.

one minute, she was scurrying down the hallways, looking for the red-and-white ghost boy, the next, she's standing creepily over a green-haired boy with flappy, purple, bruised arms that made her question whether gilderoy lockhart has been running around again.

probably not, but she's still waiting for her hogwarts letter.

"hand me the forceps." [name] was snapped out of her internal hatred towards the faulty owl system by the serious yet calming voice of the charming old lady who was leading the surgery.

gingerly, she took the forceps and placed it in the woman's hand. she didn't trust herself to do much else, but rather, she watched as the real professional doctor treated the boy.

while she watched, the memory of the conversation that got her inside the operating room in the first place played in her mind.

"i've brought over the jerk from the battle just now who insisted on not getting his wounds treated like a pompous asshole that he is."

who was the jerk? of course, it was the heterochromatic boy she was pulling along from the corridor she met.

when she had seen his state, all the words slipped out of her brain, and she just grabbed his wrist and dragged him along with one sentence: i'm gonna fix you up before i kill you myself.

not even waiting for the old lady who seemed to be running the clinic, a group of high school kids, and the dead person on the metal table, which she guessed was the operating table, speak, she started rummaging through the medical supplies.

immediately locating the disinfectant, muscle-relieving cream, and first-degree burn cream respectively, she picked up a roll of bandages, a pack of band-aids (peppa pig ones because she was being a e s t h e t i c), rubbing alcohol, and cotton swabs because lord knows that this boy needed some help.

turning around, she held the medicine in a threatening manner up at the heterochromatic boy.

"oi, i'm gonna make this healing process the most painful thing you've experienced today, so be a nice, obedient little shit and sit on the bed so i can help you."

surprisingly, he followed her commands without a complaint. just as she placed her items on the counter beside the bed, her arm was suddenly pulled over. "hey little girl, are you a doctor?"

glancing over at the old woman who had a shockingly strong grip, she hastily replied. "i'm certified i think-"

"good. then help me with this surgery."

which brought us to now.

honestly, it was a great first experience for her. she didn't have to do much, rather, she assisted beautifully in her opinion.

thank god that the old lady didn't expect her to actually be the one leading the actual surgery because despite having an online degree in medicine and a license for general practice, she didn't really have much experience in real life. #neet

before long, she was out of the operating room, taking off her scrubs and marching over to the boy who pissed her off so much for the past few years.

ok, fine, it was 2 weeks.

taking one of the cotton swabs, she dipped it in the disinfectant and pressed it against the scratches on his right cheek without warning, making him hiss from the sting.

"you don't deserve to be treated nicely from me after what you did to me." she bluntly stated, going over the other scratches that littered his handsome face. this time, it was a bit gentler, her initial rage was subdued, and she just felt worry for the injured guy.

huffing, she discarded the swab and started to place the bandaids over the scratches on his face, decorating it with the faces of cartoony pigs.

taking a step back, she stomped her feet in irritation.

"it's so unfair how you could be this injured, covered in peppa pig band aids and still look like a million bucks. so unfair." muttering to herself, she worked on his other wounds, him being silent this whole time.

it was weird for him to be taken care of by the short [h/c]-haired girl. after 2 weeks of avoiding her, it made his stomach flip at the sight of her [e/c]-colored orbs that sparkled under the lights of the room. and being treated by someone who seemed to care was...different.

it sort of felt...nice.

he smiled at her, catching her off-guard, the tip of her ears red.


holy mother of god, i forgot how hot he was-

"no problem."

she mumbled, glacning at her shoes.

she's kind of cute being shy.

what is this chapter
even lmaooooooo
i honestly didn't know
how to end it cause it
was really awkward
cutting it off from where
it was left off
and it's so hard
to do the lowercase
aesthetic because of
my frickin autocorrect
send help

completed 07.18.20
10:57:17 p.m. a.e.s.t.
(australian eastern
standard time)

*edit 09.04.20

also, heart 💔 been broke

specifically, almost 3
hours ago*

published 09.04.20
6:02:22 p.m. a.e.s.t.
(australian eastern
standard time)

republished 08.12.21
9:55:32 a.m. a.e.s.t.
(australian eastern
standard time)

COLD SOBA / 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐨̄𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now