𝘷𝘪𝘪𝘪. 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺?

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↫↫↫↫↫ cold soba ↬↬↬↬↬
(¯'*•.¸,¤°'✿.。.:* 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 *.:。.✿'°¤,¸.•*'¯)

they both ended up at the rusted iron door that had broken chains hanging off the handles. she held up her hand before he could step inside, effectively blocking him off.

"ok, whatever you do, don't speak up. also, whatever i do, please just play along and nod when necessary, alright?"

and without even waiting for his answer, she pushed open the doors, putting on her signature customer-pleasing smile, a warm aura surrounding her. "hi, i'm here to deliver the meal!"

the area was shadowed, but it was easy to spot the silhouettes of the whole crew. doing a quick headcount, the scruffy pro hero could see 17 people, all various shapes and sizes.

it was difficult to discern what their appearances were, but judging by their shadows and figures, more than half of them had a mutant type of quirk, so he couldn't just defeat them alone. he would need back-up.

glancing at the girl dressed in a white dress shirt, ripped black jeans and a red half apron wrapped around her waist, he was painfully reminded of the fact that delivery services had arrived faster than his partner.

mentally slapping himself, he cursed his friend. we live in a world that delivers ramen faster than heroes can get there. i have to give the restaurant some credit, though, 'cause without the delivery call being made, they never would have tracked the location of the gang.

somewhere in the middle of a jam-packed highway, a blonde man with a gelled up-do suddenly let out a sneeze that made the windows slightly crack.

and that was without using his quirk.

1 of them, a blonde one with short-cropped hair had stood up to meet her, 2 of his other buddies, both bulkier and tougher looking.

they weren't that much older than her, 4 years tops, and they didn't seem that intimidating.

opening her box, she took out massive platters from out of it, everything looking too large to fit in the box in the first place. but thanks to quirks and modern technology, the box had an enlarged capacity.

it made her feel like a fricking wizard.

the three guys in front of her stared greedily at the food, the blonde one flitting his brown eyes up at the girl, licking his lips.

taking one step towards her, he put his arm around her shoulders, leaning in towards her ear, his sour breath hitting her eyes, making them water.

this guy needs some mouthwash, seriously.

"hey girly," he sneered, "how about you stay a while and eat with us. we'll even show you a good time, how about that?"

she would definitely put this in her hall of fame of worst customers ever. and that's saying a lot since she gets drunkards and perverted assholes 3 out of 5 times on her shift.

smiling, she took out her pen and the delivery receipt out, shoving the pointed end of the pen purposely into his hand that was over her shoulder, making him wince.

"oh, i'm so sorry about that. you see, my boyfriend over there in the helmet gets jealous easily, so i'm gonna have to pass."

she winked subtly at aizawa, who was just watching, baffled. "so, i need the signature of the person who is paying for all of this food, and i'll be on my merry way."

she beamed angelically. "mind pointing me to him?"

the thug grimaced, but then pointed out his boss, who was paying for the meal.

20 minutes later, they were both located outside the building, [name] counting the cash paid and aizawa still in the helmet, just staring at her.

once she was done, she held out a [s/c]-colored hand towards the pro hero. "now that that is over, can you hand me my helmet? i still need to report back to 'akatori'."

he wordlessly handed over the helmet and watched as she got on her bike. right before she left, she gave him a salute.

"hey, eraserhead. would you mind overlooking the fact i'm driving this without a licence? just think of it as pay back for helping you."

and with that, she dropped her visor and zoomed off.

as she turned around the corner, a taxi had passed her and had stopped in front of the black-haired man.

jumping out was his friend, dressed in his hero costume, yelling at the top of his lungs. "did someone order a party??!!!"

eraserhead just pinched the bridge of his nose, dragging his friend back into the taxi. "i already took care of it, hizashi. let's just head back, i've had a fucking long day and i don't need you adding to that."

may the force be
with you all!!

also, this isn't the end
of the delivery arc i
think. i'll be makingl
ike, one or two more
of these chapters, and then
i'll be heading on a
week hiatus. don't worry,
i'll be back soon.

also, this is the meme i used
for reference lmao i loved
it so much i used it.

also, this is the meme i usedfor reference lmao i lovedit so much i used it

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completed 05.04.20
11:56:22 a.m. eat
(eastern australian time)

published 05.04.20
3:44:22 p.m. eat
(eastern australian time)

COLD SOBA / 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐨̄𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now