𝘷. 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵

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↫↫↫↫↫ cold soba ↬↬↬↬↬
(¯'*•.¸,¤°'✿.。.:* 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 *.:。.✿'°¤,¸.•*'¯)

"how about we strike a deal?"

todoroki was intrigued to say the least. her eyes which were slightly dull now were twinkling with mischief and interest.

he decided to play along with her, leaning his elbow on the counter and turning his torso to face her. "and what would i get out of this said deal?"

she grinned, finally getting him to talk. "how about the chance to be friends with a very fabulous girl?"

the heterochromatic boy raised an eyebrow. "i assume you are referring to yourself?"

"heck yeah bro. can't you see my fabulousness dripping off me?"

"no thanks." he denied at once, swiveling back to his meal.

[name] started to panic, not expecting that to happen. "i'm joking, i'm joking!" she was waving her hands around frantically.

he peeked at her from the corner of eyes, internally smirking. "so, let me repeat. what would i be getting out of this deal?"

she paused, furtively looking around to check the surroundings. beckoning him to come closer, she leaned his next to his ear. his cheeks turned a warm pink when he felt her breath whisper against his face.

"how about a friend who hates endeavour as much as you do?"

he stared at her, shocked with his mouth open. when she sunk back down to her own seat, she burst out cackling, her eyes squeezed shut in her glee.

pointing at her companion, she felt tears forming at the corner of her eyes. "you look like a pikachu!" smiling cheekily, she pokes both of his faint pink cheeks with her index fingers, screaming on the inside about how soft they were.

todoroki tilted his head in confusion. "how do i look like a pikachu?"

"because your face is like the meme!"

"what's a meme?"

her whole body froze, her fingers still pressing against his soft cheeks. using his right hand, he waved it slowly in front of her face, slightly concerned. "are you alright?"

her whole aura turned dark and her face was shadowed by hair when she placed her hands on his shoulders. "please tell me that you're joking." shaking his shoulders, although she couldn't really make him budge because of his strong build. "please say you're joking."

todoroki was starting to get scared, placing his right hand over her left one. "i am really not familiar with that term."

her head suddenly shot up, and he could see the intense burning in your eyes. "i need-//no, i must to teach you what a meme is. it is pop culture!" jumping up, she started to stack the empty bowls of noodles and placing them on the trays on the side.

it seemed that her angry energy couldn't take it and went and vented through cleaning.

once she had finished wiping down the tables and fixing the position of the condiments, she sat down and grabbed the second to the last bowl of soba, angrily slurping on the noodles.

todoroki didn't stop her. it looked like she would kill him if he tried stopping her.

out of the blue, she jabbed her chopsticks in his direction. "your father is a fucking arsehole." his eyes widened as she threw her hands up in the air. "i don't even normally swear like that, but your father's a fucking nutjob!"

he smirked. "imagine living with him."

she gasped in realization, and then slung an arm over him, giving him a side hug. "i'm so sorry for your loss. i'll invite the coffin dancers to your funeral."

"who are the coffin dancers?"

"alskdjhflkajshdfljaskdlhfaskdjfh >:("

"how the hell did you say an emotic-//"

it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

big pp energy right
here bro. big. pp.

anyways, let's make one
thing clear. i am a big
ling ling wannabe
hit me up dudes.


the coffin dancer convo
was based on the convo
i had with my brother.

his face went "fuck you"
when i said i didn't know
who they were.

i wanted to also ask
do you want me to add
other love interests
as well

because i could

i have a story planned out
if i do add everyone else

by everyone else

i mean

boom boom boi

cinnamon roll

mini purple aizawa

og pikachu

runaway emo boi
who looks like
he's in a rock band

and of course

the person who caused
the syndrome sweeping
the nation (just guess
who it is lmao)

completed 04.29.20
9:54:12 a.m. eat
(eastern australian time)

published 04.30.20
4:03:21 p.m. eat
(eastern australian time)

COLD SOBA / 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐨̄𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now