My Mom spent the whole of Saturday practically yelling at me. I hardly paid attention. I looked out of my bedroom window whilst she paced around my room trying to explain to me how I could quite literally end up being the girl who cries wolf one day. That's my Mom for you, dramatic as ever .
"Come on Charlotte," My Mom repeated for the one hundredth time.
"I'm not going to defend myself anymore. I told you what happened — if that's not enough for you then that's your problem." I replied as I watched a bird fly into a tree.
"Have you actually listened to a word I've said?" My Mom sighed.
"Then how I'm supposed to get through to you? You don't listen to me; you barely acknowledge Peter and around the boys you either pretend you don't exist or are glaring at them."
"Hey — they aren't exactly innocent either." I argued, turning around.
"Look, I know you're not exactly pleased with our new living situation, but don't you think it's about time you make an effort?"
"Why should I?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Maybe something good will come out of it? These boys could be you're new best friends. It's an opportunity, Charlie."
Now she chooses to use my actual name.
"I already have best friends. I don't need anymore — especially not ones like that."
"Why have you got to be so difficult?" She huffed. "You, know you can continue like this. It's up to you, but you'll end up very unhappy." My mother warned.
"How will I end up unhappy when I've already got everything I need?"
Well, except Alice.
"Maybe you don't realise what you are missing." My Mom said and with one last dramatic sigh, she pursed her lips and looked at me. "You're grounded for the rest of the weekend. If you pull anymore stunts like this I promise you there will be consequences. You're not bringing your old bad behaviour into our new life. This is a new start and I'm not having you mess it up. If you continue to pull stunts like this then I will not hesitate to do something about it. You hear me?"
"Care to enlighten me on what that something is? Maybe I'll take you up on it."
My Mom's body shifted towards me; her sky-blue eyes narrowed as she looked over at me. I kept my lips pursed, trying to stop myself from smirking.
She was delusional if she thought she could scare me. It wasn't like I'd done anything wrong. I knew she knew that too, but I could practically see the fear in her eyes. She knew that the Peter and his son's had got a taste of what it's really like being in the same family as us. My Mom's terrified that this whole incident (although nothing) might be a red flag to Peter and the boys. Maybe we're too much trouble? Maybe this just shows the difficulty of being in our lives. My Mom's probably terrified that her marriage would go up in flames like her last one did.
Sidelines ✔️
Teen FictionA year after losing her older sister in a tragic accident, Charlie's Mom marries the father of the most popular boys in school. Still grieving, Charlie struggles to accept her new family and gets involved with her stepbrothers worst enemy, the capta...