Chapter 6

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The next few days went by in a blur. My heart was troubled. It was my first time falling in love. I didn't know it felt this way. I refused to eat. I formed a habit of skipping sewing classes as I no longer felt up to it.

Thoughts of Brutus consummated me wholly. I saw his visage everywhere I looked. I heard his kindly voice in my inner psyche. I was having an imaginary bond with him. It terrified me.

I found solace in the company of Idara but I could not open up to her. Her care-free, jolly-filled nature blinded her from reading meaning into my unusuality.

That day, papa informed us that he had found a new job as a night security man at a newly built house in the town. He was to resume work that evening. He didn't say much about his new boss. He instructed me to pack his food and bring it to him at his place of work. He had described the apartment to me.

On getting there, I knocked slightly on the gate and papa opened to receive me. He asked me to wait for him to finish eating so that I would take the plates back home.

While he was eating I decided to take a look around the building when my eyes caught Brutus. He was at the backyard engaging in some exercises. He did not see me.

"Is Brutus my father's boss?" I asked rhetorically, startled.

"Who's there?" I heard him say but I quickly hid away.

"Ferd is that you?" His voice came again.

I slowly walked back to the gate post where my father was. He had finished eating. I hurriedly packed the plates, said goodbye to papa and walked home.

When I got home, I took the phone from where mama put it and decided that I was going to see Brutus face to face and give it back to him. With a new aura of confidence that came into me, I told myself I was ready to confront him.


After sewing classes the following day, I took a motorcycle from Mfon's shop to Brutus's home. Papa had not yet arrived for duty.

Knock. Knock.
No answer. There was soft music playing in the background.

I stood there for another minute contemplating on whether to turn back or not. No, I was going to look him in the eye and tell him that I am no cheap woman. In case he has it in mind to lure me with a gift only to see my nakedness, then dump me. I thought to myself.

I knocked again. This time loud enough. Then the door opened. Ferdinand stood there, eyes blazing. He wore a singlet and shorts. His hair was wet. He smelt of soft osmanthus and blossoms of citrus. I believed he just had a shower.

"I didn't know that you know where I live." He smirked. That same smirk I hated.

"Good evening. I.. I.. came to return the phone to Brutus." I stammered, his stimulating fragrance rendering me speechless. I fumbled in my bag for the phone.

"Oh." He muttered, eyebrows raised.

"Come in."

A part of me told me to run away. I was hesitant but I went in. I gasped at the fascinating well decorated modern-like living room. It was beautiful! I marveled.

The walls were painted baby blue and cream. The sofas and couches were of cream colour. Everything about the living room was heavenly.

"Brutus is not around. But I'll give him the phone when he gets back." He said, reducing the music infinitesimally.

He brought out a bottle of non-alcoholic wine with two glasses and handed me a glass. He poured wine into our glasses and I took a sip. It tasted good.

I felt his gorgeous eyes on me as he sipped his wine in silence. None of us said any word to each other. We were both reserved. I waited patiently for more than an hour with hope that Brutus would appear but he was not forth coming.

"I should go. Thank you for the wine." I said, breaking the awkward silence.

"You just arrived." He said, standing up.
He moved closer to where I sat. I stood up.

"My father will soon come here for his duty."

"Wait, the security man. He's your father?"

"Yes." I said, avoiding his gaze.

"Hmm. I will think of something then." He said, running his fingers on his pink, moist lips.

"Please don't release him of his duty because of me Mr Ferdinand." I pleaded.

"Oh no. Not what you think. And, don't attach Mr. to my name please." He said, drawing close.

"You are so beautiful."

I said nothing. I shifted uncomfortably and took my bag from the couch. I turned to the door but he held my hand firmly.

"One thing Ima-obong."
He said and brought his lips close to mine. His mouth was warm. He kissed me affectionately.

I felt a rush of hormones quickening inside of me. I liked it but I didn't reciprocate because I did not know how to kiss well. It was my first time. Naive me.

I broke the kiss and pushed him away. Shyness encompassed me.

"Never you do that again." I said meanly as I opened the door and walked away.
I knew that my words hurt him but I cared less. After all I did not love him.

As I was walking towards the gate, Brutus walked in. He was sweating and breathing hard. He had a track suit on that revealed his well built body. I envisaged him wrap his arms round me professing his timeless love for me. But I quickly shook my head from my daydream.
This man would never love me. I thought to myself.

"Nice to see you Ima-obong. I went out jogging. You know where I live? What brought you here?"

"I came to drop the phone you bought for me. I am grateful but I cannot use it." I fidgeted.

I didn't wait to hear him say another word. I walked hastily and vanished.


I got home that night and found mama and papa waiting for me.

"Why did it take you so long to reach the house Ima?" Papa queried, fuming. A whip, in his hand.

"Give her a chance to explain herself Ette." Mama said.

"I worked late papa." I lied, shamefully.

"Perhaps I should see Mfon myself and tell her my daughter cannot be coming home this late!? Next time, leave her shop on time you hear me? I cannot afford to have my good name ruined." He said and walked away, slamming the door behind him.

Mama stared at me suspiciously and finally uttered.

"When I was your age, I used to sneak to meet a man I admired. I would come back home and lie to my mother that I was at my aunty's place." She paused.

"Looking into your eyes, I can tell you're hiding something. Me your mother, will find out. Go, your food is on the table."

That night, I was lethargic, and famished but I did not feel like eating my meal of local rice and groundnut stew. I was reminiscing on what transpired between Ferdinand and me.

The kiss was good but I felt awkward. I held my pillow against myself firmly and grinned from ear to ear.

I have tasted the forbidden fruit. And my innocence is becoming tainted. I thought.

I thought of Idara, she had this experience a number of times. That night on my bed, I decided I was going to bare it all before her.


Ima-obong may secretly be in love with Ferdinand yeah? 🤔

Should Ima-obong instead date Ferdinand?

Let's keep our fingers crossed. 🤫

Please o vote this book I beg you.
Haha! 😂

©Maryamada Kasi

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