1. The nightmare is over

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The nightmare is over. She was finally on her way back to Riverdale. Charles was driving them home. Alice was afraid that she would have nowhere to go after she sold her house to Gladys. Her whole body ached and hands were trembling as she was thinking about what she had done.

"I killed him." Alice whispered to herself enough loud for Betty to hear her words. She let her head rest on her mother's shoulder. Alice was looking outside the window as they were silently spending the next couple of minutes. She wanted so badly to forget all the time she wasted on the Farm.

Suddenly the car stopped. She knew exactly where she was. Alice get out of the car and stood in front of her house on Elm Street. Feeling weakness and dizziness she tried to walk straight to the door without fainting. Charles and Betty glanced at each other and without saying a word they grabbed their mother's hands helping her to balance. All of the three came to the red door she has painted red when she moved in with Hal and their daughters. Alice was staring at them afraid to go inside the house.

"Mom?" Betty raised her eyebrow and looked at Alice. "Come on, let's go inside." Charles encouraged her with a smile. She nodded and opened the door. To her surprise, her old house hasn't changed at all. She went deeper into the hall and saw FP standing in the kitchen and staring outside the window.

"Ms. Smith, Betty?" Jughead said coming down the stairs and smiling shyly at them. FP turned around and saw Alice. He came closer and looked deep inside her blue ocean eyes.

"Alice..." he whispered as he stroked her bloody cheek with his fingers. She turned her head away trying to avoid looking in his eyes. She felt dizzy and suddenly collapsed into FP's arms.

"Woah, Woah, Woah..." FP said while catching her so that she doesn't fall on the floor. "Mom!" Betty screamed and ran towards her mother.

"Betty, I'm fine." Alice convinced her daughter, but while trying to stand without FP's help she collapsed again. "Maybe I'm not as fine as I thought." she murmured to herself.

"Let me help you." FP responded and carried her to the living room and laid her on the lounge. "I will bring you some painkillers, sedatives, and tea" Charles said and made his way to the kitchen while FP was covering Alice with a blanket and giving pillows under her head.

"Thank you FP." she murmured. She didn't want him to think everything is fine between them. The truth was, that nothing was fine after he broke up with her.

"We should discuss a lot of things, don't you think?" she scoffed and he smiled at her softly while grabbing her hand, but she removed his gripimmediately.

"We will talk about this later, you should get rest now." he said softly. Charles entered the room with warm tea for all of them and medicines for Alice. Betty and Jughead sat down in armchairs smiling thankfully at their brother. Alice lifted herself a little with FP's help and took the medicines from Charles who was holding them in his hands.

"Thank you." She smiled weakly at her son and turned to look at FP. "I will rest a little bit and I will go. I don't want to bother you when Gladys will come back home." Jug looked at his dad and saw embarrassment in his eyes. FP took a deep breath. He made a mistake letting Gladys stay with him in Riverdale, but it wasn't a good time for explanations and discussions.

"Don't worry about her Alice. She moved out back to Toledo two weeks ago and this time she won't come back." his voice was adamant and full of disappointment. She opened his mouth to respond to him, but before she said a word they heard the front door opened.

"Hi dad! I'm sorry I'm late, but I was at Pop's with my mates after school and I lost track of time." the young girl said as she walked into the house and suddenly stopped when she saw all of the people sitting in the living room. "I didn't want to interrupt you, sorry." Teenager apologized shyly trying to make her way upstairs, but her father's voice stopped her.

"JB, that's okay, you didn't disturb us. I'm glad that you had a great time. Go to your room to make your homework and come back to us." FP smiled at her as she smiled back and nodded.

"Mom, are you feeling better?" Betty asked tenderly looking at her mother's bruised face. Edgar and Evelyn have punched her so many times, she had a lot of wounds all over her body.

"Yeah, I should be in better condition tomorrow. I'm just sleepy. Medications started working." she yawned and let her head rest on the pillow again.

"You will take the bed and I will sleep on the couch." FP said and stood up to make his way upstairs to grabbed his pajamas and bedding, but Alice's voice stopped him.

"No, I will sleep here. FP this is your house, which means this is your bedroom now. I'm grateful you let me stay here." She murmured as she felt her eyes heavier and heavier in every minute.

"Listen Alice... you are tired and achy. I won't let you sleep there." his voice sounded serious. Alice was too weak to fight with him so she didn't respond, but instead she rolled her eyes. Jughead looked at her younger sister as she ran downstairs. She smiled at him when she saw he was hugging Betty.

"Betty? Could you help me with my last homework?" Jellybean asked sweetly, but her smile faded as she saw Betty's tired face. The girl was about to stand up and go with JB, but Charles convinced her that he would help her instead of Betty, who should get some sleep. The young girl nodded and they went upstairs to her room.

"Jug, I think we should go to bed." Betty said with tiredness in the voice. "Go, I will join you in a minute." Jughead kissed her cheek and watched her go. He looked at his father and walked towards him.

"You will talk about it with her. Just give her some time." Jug pat his shoulder and walked away. FP went back to the living room to ask Alice if she wants to change her clothes, but she was peacefully sleeping covered with a warm blanket. He went closer to her and brushed away hair from her face. She was so beautiful. FP picked her up and carried her in his arms into the bedroom. He lied her on the bed and covered her body with bedding.

"Sleep tight" He whispered into her ear while placing a soft kiss on the top of Alice's head. FP didn't want to leave her, but instead of this he stood up, turned off the lights, and close the door behind him. He knew he would fight for her.

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