48. That sounds perfect

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„Ms. Smith, it's the best cherry pie I've ever eaten in my life," Kevin said once he finished eating a piece of a cake. He wasn't the only one who was in love with Alice's baking skills. Everyone was incredibly happy when Alice started to cook and bake again.

"He is right mom, it's delicious," Charles added and smiled at her mother who was sitting at the opposite side of the table. She smiled thankfully and turned to see if the rest of the children were enjoying it just as much as Charles and Kevin.

It wasn't a surprise, that Jughead was finishing the second piece of the pie, but from the look on Betty's face, she could see, that something was wrong with her. She was playing with the food on her plate and didn't even look up or talk with them much.

She didn't eat at all from the whole dinner and it was sure, that something was bothering her, but knowing her daughter, Alice didn't even want to start the conversation during the dinner. Both Alice and Betty had strong characters and sometimes they couldn't handle emotions, so it was the best not to risk their talk ended up with a fight with everyone around.

"It's going late. I should get going. It was a pleasure to meet all of you again." Kevin said sweetly and stood up from the chair. He came closer to Betty and kissed her cheek which wasn't the best way to say goodbye because she was more than dissatisfied with his presence.

"I will drive you home, honey," Charles assured him with a grin on his face. He stood up as well and put the dishes into the dishwasher right before heading into the hall to grab their jackets.

"You don't need to, Charlie," Kevin assured him with a thankful smile. From the look on their faces, everyone could say that they were completely in love with each other. Charles's eyes were shining brightly just like Alice's while she was looking at FP, her true love.

"But I want to," Charles whispered and placed a soft kiss on Kevin's lips. Betty rolled her eyes, took Jughead's hand, and led him upstairs. Both Charles and Kevin said goodbye once again and went out of the house hand by hand.

"Dad, we are going to Veronica and Archie," Jughead said and followed Betty who already rushed outside the house. The two adults were standing in the door frame a little bit confused because they didn't know what was gotten into Betty. She had better and worst moments sometimes, but now, they had no clue what was going on and started to worry.

"Take your time babe, I will clean after dinner. Also, I need to prepare a little surprise for you." FP said softly once they closed the door. He wanted Alice to relax and distract her from thinking about Betty's mood. He let their lips connected with hers just for a little while before going back to the kitchen.

After Alice's operation, he had become more careful as far as her state was concerned and he wanted to consult everything with Dr. Ross. He had called her a few weeks ago and asked about her diet and finally about the possibility of having sex again. They couldn't deny, that they were both sexually frustrated and couldn't take their hands off of each other anymore.

One day, FP walked into the bathroom and saw Alice who was trying to satisfy herself under the shower. Her sweet moans drove him insane, but he decided to leave and try to handle the situation on his own, rather than put Alice in the possibility of danger. Pleasuring themselves based on the memories they had, wasn't the best way to satisfy their needs and the longer they were frustrated, the longer they were avoiding even cuddling with each other.

The second she sat in the living room, FP grabbed her hand and lifted her from the couch. She was laughing all way upstairs. To be honest, she had always loved being in his arms. It was something she could never get enough of.

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