47. You can always count on me

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Alice opened her eyes and carefully picked her phone from the nightstand, not wanting to wake FP up. He had been working so hard not only as a Sheriff but also at home for the past days and needed to rest as much as Alice did. He became even more caring and loving boyfriend than before. Not that Alice was complaining, because she didn't at all, but she could see that he was overworked and deserved to rest at least at night.

She sighed quietly once she saw the hour on the dark screen. It was 2 in the night, again. It wasn't her first sleepless night since she had woken up from the coma and found out that Gladys Jones had been the donor of her heart. At the beginning she had been thinking, that she had been too refreshed already to sleep at night, but then she realized, that there was something else bothering her. It was Gladys.

The truth was, that she hadn't talked about it much with anyone. She was just keeping all the feelings inside her. Even though this whole thought was driving her chills and made her dizzy, she couldn't find the courage to talk about it, not yet. It was just like a tiny bomb, which was waiting for a good moment to explode, she could feel it in her bones.

Alice slipped out of FP's embrace quietly. She stood up from the bed and turned to see if she woke him up. To her surprise, he just moaned tiredly and rolled over to the other side of the bed still sleeping like a baby. She smiled to herself and covered herself with a robe.

She closed the door from their bedroom and turned the small lamp on. She became even more careful than before as far as her health was concerned, so she was trying to avoid the dangerous situations and without a doubt walking downstairs in the darkness was one of them. She rubbed her eyes with her fists and was just about to walk towards the stairs, but something caught her attention.

The door from Jellybean's room wasn't locked and she could see that the lights in her room were on. She thought that the girl fell asleep while reading a book like she used to sometimes, so she walked towards the room to check up on her.

She opened the door carefully and was just to turn off the lights, but before she could reach the light switch, she noticed, that the girl wasn't sleeping at all. Jellybean lifted herself a bit once she realized she wasn't lone anymore and just sat on her bed waiting for Alice to say something about her being awake in the middle of the night.

"Jellybean, sweetie? Why aren't you sleeping? Did you have a nightmare?" Alice said calmly while walking towards the girl. She sat on the edge of her bed and tucked JB's hair behind her ear. From the look on her face, she could tell, that she wasn't sleeping well either.

"I was just thinking about Gladys. I mean, my mother. I couldn't go back to sleep once I started to think about what happened." Jellybean whispered and shrugged her shoulders. It wasn't easy to cope with her biological mother's death. Even if she had let them down so many times, she was still their mother.

"I see," Alice said quietly and looked at the floor. Deep inside her heart, she felt guilty Glady's death. Maybe Alice should be the one gone, not Gladys? It was hard to start a new chapter in her life, knowing, that she was carried her boyfriend's dead wife's heart inside her.

For a moment there was a silence filling the room. Nor Alice or Jellybean knew what to say or do about this fucked up situation. The late hour and tiredness weren't helping to focus on the topic at all, but suddenly Jellybean smiled to herself through the tears and looked at Alice, at the woman, who became her mother after Gladys had let her down again.

"But I know that she did one good thing and I'm so thankful for that. She saved you. She saved my other mom, who loves me just as much as I love her." Jellybean smiled sadly with tears stung in her eyes.

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