9. It won't work

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FP was still waiting for his order in Pop's. Jellybean was sleeping after taking another dose of medications. He didn't want Alice or Betty to cook again so he decided to grab some burgers for their lunch.

He was thinking about Alice. She deserved the whole damn world and FP failed her too many times. It was obvious to him that she needs a while to consider their relationship. All that remains was to wait and have hope.

"Hi there." A familiar voice pulled him out from his contemplations. The twenty-three years old woman was standing in front of him smirking.

"Hi Caroline. You changed your haircut, didn't you?" He asked while turning towards her. Her dark brown hair was resting on her shoulders. She used to have long hair when they met last time.

Caroline was an FBI intern who worked with Charles after the Farm found out that Alice was the FBI's informant. She earned a lot of important information about the Farm which was helpful for both Charles and FP. 

"Yeah, I wanted to change something. How is Alice?" FP was grateful that she helped them a lot with taking Alice down the farm and she was asking about her all the time they ran into each other.

Actually, it was hard to respond to her question. He hasn't asked her about it for some time. Probably she was fine, but he should've asked her about her mood. 

"She is fine I guess." He said hesitantly. Caroline gave him knowing grin and it took him a while to process what is she asking about. They both laughed while FP finally got the question.

"Thank you for bringing her home." He whispered while pulling her close to his chest into a hug. She placed her hands on his back and stroke his muscles.

"Anything for my boss's father. See you around." Caroline chuckled while pulling herself out of his arms. She watched him taking his huge order. He winked at her as he was leaving the diner. He was going to make things right and tell Alice everything he wanted to for so long.


"Sorry I'm late" Alice stormed into the cafe and kissed Jake's cheek. The cafe was on the other side of the town so it took her a while to get there.

Jake lost himself in her beautiful ocean eyes. God, Alice was the girl of his dreams and only he could know what her presence is doing to him. He has been missing her since he saw her one last time on the airport.

Of course, he was calling her and they were talking hours for some time. There was a while Jake was thinking that there is a chance for them when Alice has considered divorce for the first time. He had fallen for her back then and he still wanted her now.

"You look beautiful." He grabbed her hand and placed a soft peck on it. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. He was closely observing her every move.

"What are you gaping at? Is there something wrong?" She asked annoyed a little bit. Even though she liked to be adored and treated like a goddess it was weird feeling someone's eyes on her constantly.

"Everything is fine as long as you are here." He tried to tease her, but it didn't work at all. She wasn't that kind of girl who would fall right after hearing a man trying to tease her. She wouldn't fall for a random guy who compliments her.

"It won't work with me Jake." She laughed and pulled her hands off of his. She didn't want to give FP another chance after she'd seen him with another girl at Pop's, but that wasn't the reason she would be flirting with another guy so quickly. At least she was thinking, that she wouldn't...

"I got it, I got it. Just... I was thinking about you a lot. I wish that last night would have been different." Alice's eyes grew wilder and sighed when Jake mentioned that fateful evening, they had spent at the bar dancing. She remembered their hungry kiss and that moment she pulled him away very well. 

"Then stop thinking about it." She gave him a sassy order and watched his reaction. She could see a disappointment in his eyes. He wanted something more from her, but what should she do with it?

A few hours earlier Alice was hoping that she would come back home and talk with FP bout them and now some other guy is around wanting her to renew relationship which by the way never existed for her. Not as it existed for Jake.

"So, you've mentioned that some case brought you here, am I right?" She asked suspiciously to find out the truth about him showing up in Riverdale.

Since Alice has moved into Hal's house on Northside of the town, she became a 'warden Cooper'. Well she should've been called 'warden Smith' after her husband died, but it was obvious she was the first person, who would like to know what is happening around.

"I'm working on my new article and the Greendale newspaper is searching for some information in their archival documents. They are having some issues with it so I'm going to stay here for a couple of days." Jake responded quickly not saying a word about the topic of his document.

On the one hand, he was honest with Alice, but on the other, he wasn't. He could've chosen any other place to search, but he decided to come here to see her once again.

"But let's skip all of the work problems. What would you like to drink? Big black coffee without sugar as I remember?" Jake gave her a knowing sight and she chuckled a little.  He smiled at her and stood up to order the Coffees for them.

Alice watched him go while thinking about their relationship. Maybe she did the wrong thing? She didn't want to cheat on her fucked up 'husband', who hasn't touched her for five months. She was hoping something would change. Maybe she should've had sex with Jake back then? Maybe she lost the chance for something real?


"You know at the beginning I thought that our meeting would be a disaster, but I changed my mind fast." Alice laughed while he drove her back on Elm Street. She truly enjoyed the afternoon with Jake.

"So, what about a dinner tomorrow Smith?" His deep voice wanting to drive her insane. She smiled at him while rolling her eyes. Was she falling for another guy so quickly?

"I will be there at 5." He kissed her cheek and watched her entering the house. Dear Lord, he was in love with these woman since they've met for the very first time.

Alice was smiling to herself while closing the door behind her. Is she really going on a date? This thought was so scary and strange. Of course, she wasn't going to have sex with him, but still the idea of their next meeting was titillating a little been.

"Alice, good you are finally home. I need to tell you something important." FP greeted her with a huge grin on his face. His charming eyes were full of hope. He tried to kiss her cheek but she turned her face away.

"FP, let me said something first. I will stay here for Betty, but we won't be together. All of the things between us are too complicated. It won't work." He gave her an awkward smile and nodded slowly. They were making the same mistake once again by pushing each other away.

"You wanted to talk with me." She raised her eyebrow and was patiently waiting for him to say something. She noticed that her words made him sad, but there was nothing she could do about it. Actually, there was a little thing. She could stop lying to both him and herself about them.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter now. I transformed the basement into another bedroom so that I will take it and you will have your old room. I also ordered dinner from Pop's for you." She gave him a thankful sight and went into the kitchen.

FP was still standing speechless in the hall. He wanted this whole situation to better be a nightmare. He wanted to wake up next to her in her arms. But it wasn't a nightmare. It was real and she really broke his heart again.

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