21. Just brooding about us

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„Your speech was beautiful Betty," Alice said while glancing at her daughter. Even though her daughter was about to become an adult soon, she would always be that baby girl for her mother.

It was the day of Betty's and Jughead's graduation. They had finally finished school after a few really hard years of studying and solving the murder cases. It was time for them to finally let it all go and find a piece in another town.

"I'm so proud of you. I always was, and always will be." Alice whispered into her ear. She couldn't resign herself with the fact, that she would no longer have Betty close at hand.

The hardest thing to cope with for her was the thought that she could've done better as a mother. She could've dedicated more time to Betty. The idea of her being such a demanding mother was killing her now. She had always wanted the best for her baby girl, but she had shown it in the wrong way.

"I love you the most, mom," Betty confessed with a huge grin on her face. Even though things between her and Alice were not always easy to understand, she loved her as much as Alice loved her.

"Betty are you ready? Archie and Veronica are waiting for us," Jughead announced brightly. FP proudly placed his hand on his son's shoulder and pulled him just for one more hug before he would leave.

After the whole year of hard work, they deserved to take a longer break and decided to visit Veronica's family in Spain for a few weeks right after graduation. It was the highest time for them to relax and enjoy their lives before going to college.

"I will call you right after the flight." Betty kissed her mother's cheek and slowly pulled her palms out of hers to grab her backpack and suitcase. The teenagers turned themselves to say the last goodbye and left the house.

The second they closed the door behind them, the room filled with silence. Nobody was laughing, yelling, or complaining about everything. Their kids grew up and the only thing they could do was to resign themselves with it.

FP went upstairs to help JB pack herself for her trip to New York with Charles and left Alice all alone with her thoughts. She reached onto the shelf and picked up the photo of Betty and Polly before positioned herself on the couch.

She could remember that day so well. Hal was out of town and there were just three of them in the house. Alice was feeling like she could breathe again when he wasn't around.

She could just enjoy spending time with her precious daughters. They had been strolling down the park eating ice creams and talking endlessly about everything and nothing. The most important thing was that they had been close.

Jellybean went downstairs with her carryall and turned around to kiss her father's cheek before leaving with Charles who was waiting outside the house. She had been avoiding Alice for some time now and it wasn't surprising for her, that the girl didn't say goodbye at all.

Alice placed the photo back onto its place and jumped slightly feeling FP's hands on her hips. She grabbed his arms and wrapped it around hers. She wanted to feel him close.

"Go get ready for our date." He whispered into her ear and forced her to face him while hearing her sighed at his words. She looked straight into his eyes and nodded slowly before he placed a soft kiss on her forehead holding her in his arms a little longer.


Alice brushed her soft blonde curls away from her face. With her makeup already done, she was picking up the outfit. She opened her closet and was searching through all clothes to find the proper dress.

She wasn't in a mood for a date and couldn't focus herself on anything else but just thinking about the kids. Betty and Jughead were almost adults and she needed to adjust herself slowly, that they will leave the house for college soon.

But she was not only thinking about them. Her older daughter was still in a psychiatric and even though she was doing better, it was still unknown when she will be able to come back home to her children.

And there was also Jellybean, who had been avoiding her for the past few days or even week. She had no clue what should she for JB to make sure, that she is okay.

Alice finally picked up the black dress she had been searching for and there was the time to choose another important thing for a woman, who is going on a date with someone special. The lingerie.

She came to the commode and slowly opened the first drawer. She remembered herself how she had been preparing for a date with Jake not that long ago. There was something different about the date with FP. She was sure, that he is the only one that could make her happy just like he had back in the olden days.

Alice quickly searched after the black lacy bra and matching panties and grabbed them closing the drawer. She dressed up and put the high heels on, picked up her handbag, and went downstairs.

"You look stunning," FP said once she came closer to him and she playfully rolled her eyes. Alice grabbed his face into her hands and kissed him when he gave her a beautiful red rose.

"Looks like we're ready to go." He breathed out breaking their connection. FP wrapped his arm around her waist and they left the house.


The evening at the Sweetwater River was bracing and the dark around them was brightened by the candles. It was the place they had used to run away from their problems to think and just take a break.

"Are you sure, that you're not drinking at all?" Alice teased him a little while taking another sip of the wine after finishing the snacks he had prepared. FP noticed the goosebumps on her skin that was brought on by the light but cold breeze.

"Someone must drive us back home." He chuckled while pulling the serpent jacket off of his arms and wrapped it around Alice's shoulders. She smiled and bit her bottom lip knowing, it would drive him insane.

He couldn't resist her anymore and brushed his lips into hers in a passionate kiss. He could taste the wine she had been drinking while trying to get full access to her mouth.

Their tongues were fighting for dominance when he carefully lied her on the blanket. He slowly broke the kiss so that they could breathe again and she lifted herself just a little bit to place a soft peck on his lips to feel him once more.

FP lied down next to her and she cuddled up to his chest letting her hand rest on his torso. They were silently listening to the sounds of the water, giggling quietly from time to time.

"What are you thinking about, Alice?" FP broke the quietness tenderly stroking her waist after placing a delicate kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm just brooding about us." She smiled at herself at her words, so did FP. It was so obvious for her now, that she had been meant to be together since the very beginning. The only thing that was hurting her was that it took them so long to admit it.

"I will understand if you still need more time, but do you want us to be together?" FP asked quietly not wanting to ruin their date, but he had to ask her about it. She lifted herself from his chest and looked into his dark eyes.

"I do," Alice whispered and placed another kiss on his lips. He made her forget about her worries making her feel free. She wasn't thinking about the kids or job, at that moment everything was just about them.

"It's getting late, we should go back home." As far as they both enjoyed the time they were spending together, FP was right. Alice nodded and they started to pack all the things into the car. The main question was, what will happen at home? 

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