8. Stay here

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FP kissed his daughter's forehead softly while lying himself next to her on the purple bed sheets. She was still sleeping peacefully after taking medications to bring her fever down. His palm rested on her red cheek tenderly stroking it.

JB yawned and opened her eyes. Seeing her dad alone with her was a rare view for her lately. She missed his presence and love.

"How are you doing, Bean?" His soft whisper and grin on her face made her feel better that she actually did. She lifted herself up and felt dizzy again.

"I guess I'm feeling a little better today. Alice took care of me yesterday." FP pulled her closer into a hug. She wanted this moment to last as long as it was possible. It felt so damn right having her daddy right by her side.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't here for you yesterday." He was still feeling guilty, but Jellybean placed a quick kiss on her father's cheek to show him, that she accepts the apology.

"Where is Alice? Did she leave for the Thistle House again?" Jellybean looked around to find Alice. She was grateful that Alice took her time and spent a while with her and wanted to thank her once more.

"She is downstairs with Betty." FP calmed her down a little bit. He noticed that his daughter has grown fond of her.

"You know, when I came back and went to check up on you, she was sleeping with you cuddling into her chest." It was one of the most beautiful views he has ever seen in his life. His two angels sleeping peacefully in each other arms.

"I really like Alice, but do you think that mom will be okay with it?" The girl was afraid that her relationship with Alice may have a negative impact on her already messed up a bond with Gladys.

FP's eyes grew wider when he realized that JB is still trying to be fair with Gladys. After all the horrible things she had done, she was still really important to her. He was trying to be a supportive father but he didn't know what to say to the girl.

It was obvious for FP that Jellybean needs a mother more than Jughead. It was always important for all of the girls to have their mothers close to them. He was furious that Jellybean can't have a mother who deserves her.

"JB, you must follow your heart. If you enjoy spending time Alice don't act like you don't only because you are afraid of your mother's opinion." He smiled at her and hugged her even tighter than before.

"I will take a bath." FP kissed her forehead once more and let her go. He left the room and went downstairs. Jug and Betty had left the house already and the whole living room was filled with the smell of pancakes.

He saw Alice standing in the kitchen with her hair tied up in a messy bun. He could be standing and watch her all day and all night. He chuckled a little and she turned around.

"How is JB feeling? Will she come downstairs to eat breakfast?" Alice asked while grabbing three plates to set the table for them. He wanted to tell her how much he wants her to stay, but was he ready to say it out loud? Where they ready to give themselves another chance?

"She is okay, but I suppose that Betty isn't." Alice raised her sight to look at him. He was right, but she had talked with her daughter already. Before she opened her mouth to respond, he came closer to her. They were dangerously close now and he could smell her perfumes.

"Stay here Alice. If you don't want to stay for me, do it for Betty. She needs you. I need you." He whispered the last three words into her ear, grabbing her palms into his. He wanted to kiss her and show her how much he cares about her and needs her to stay with him.

"Don't do this. Don't mess with my mind again." Alice's quiet voice was trembling. She didn't know how to feel about his words. She turned her head and crossed her hands on her chest while coming up to the kitchen window leaving FP speechless.

"You hurt me so many times that I don't know if I could trust you again." Even though she hurt him too, she was so damn right. He was messing around again and it was really hard for her.

They both fucked up their relationship too many times. They both were making the same mistakes all over again - Alice by leaving FP, and FP by letting her go. He wanted her back more than anything else.

"Alice..." he made his way up to Alice and put his hands on her arms softly stroking them with thumbs. His warmth was something she needed the most. Something she has been missing for all those months without him.

"I should go for a walk to clear my thoughts." FP slowly nodded when he heard her voice and took his palms off her body. He watched her leave and buried his face into his hands when she closed the door behind her.

After three hours of walking Alice sat down on the bench in the park. She smiled a little bit to herself while seeing an elderly couple slowly strolling and holding their hands.

"I wish we could be as fortunate as they one day." She whispered to herself when she finally realizes, that she was ready to give FP another chance. Even though she was still worried about being hurt again she decided to go for it. She closed her eyes and let the sunshine on her face and enjoyed the moment for a while.

"Alice?" she raised one of her eyelids and looked upon the man, who called her. At first, she didn't recognize the voice, but suddenly she noticed who is standing in front of her.

"Jake? What are you doing here?" Alice laughed and lifted herself to pull him into a hug. She was surprised by his presence in Riverdale. It was a truly unexpected meeting, but some part of her was glad to see him again.

Jake was a journalist from Los Angeles. They met each other at a conference in New York. Something sparked between them after they had spent some time together. Nothing serious happened, because Alice was married and didn't want to cheat on Hal back then.

"I have some business to complete in Greendale and thought to stop by and say "hi"." She was looking straight into his green eyes which were driving her crazy back then and it was a miracle that she resisted him.

"Oh God, you look even better than I remembered. Maybe we should go and have some good coffee together?" He asked confidently and watched Alice laughed a little while putting her hands on his shoulders.

"It would be nice, but no. Someone is waiting for me already." She responded and grabbed her bag from the bench seeing Jake nodded sadly. She couldn't believe she is going to tell FP that there is hope for them.

"Just promise me that you will call me if you change your mind. I will be near Riverdale for the next two weeks." Jake gave her his calling card with hope, that she will call him one day. He kissed her cheek and hugged her one more time. She was glowing and he didn't want to take his eyes off of her beautiful smile.

"It was nice to see you again." Alice turned around and start to walk towards the Pop's to order dinner for all family. She was thinking about how to start the talk with FP. It was the first time she really wanted their relationship to become a serious one.

Suddenly she stopped and her heart started beating faster. She was looking into a Pop's through the window and saw FP standing with a young attractive brunette. They were laughing and he pulled her into a tight hug.

Alice's eyes started to fill with tears. How could she be so stupid and believe that he changed himself, that she is the only woman that he is carving? She turned around and put her phone out of her bag.

"Jake? Do you still want to meet for a good coffee?"  

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